Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Government handouts to euthanize Canadians

The Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers received (CAMAP) $3,287,996 in government funding in 2021. In 2018 they received $41,580

"We are the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (MAiD is Medical Assistance in Dying). At its core, our organization it is made up of clinicians who provide MAiD services including assessment for eligibility and the provision of MAiD itself."

You can also donate to CAMAP. Here are some quotes from satisfied donors:

“Both of my parents benefited from your work. Thanks!” – Donor

“My husband died with dignity thanks to MAiD. I am very thankful that this option was available.” – Donor

“I can’t think of a more deserving charity. Count me in as a strong supporter and believer in your charity’s mandate!”- Donor

“I can’t possibly thank you enough for your most needed work and compassion.” – Donor

Such glowing comments. And since 2021 CAMAP is now a charity. So you can even receive a tax receipt for your donation.

CAMAP joins the ranks of Dying with Dignity, our other national charity devoted to euthanasia. They are doing very well financially as I pointed out.

I'm pretty sure there is a much better use for this money that our government so lavishly dishes out to the death industry. How about we give some of those millions to the people who choose euthanasia because they can't afford to keep living?

"A number of recent news articles have reported on Canadians who, driven by poverty and a lack of access to adequate health care, housing, and social services, have turned to the country’s euthanasia system. In multiple cases, veterans requesting help from Veterans Affairs Canada — at least one asked for PTSD treatmentanother for a ramp for her wheelchair — were asked by case workers if they would like to apply for euthanasia."

Dying with Dignity and CAMAP are two relatively new charities, whose sole purpose is to support the euthanizing of Canadians. I expect to see these government handouts rise as time goes on. 

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