Thursday, January 13, 2022

Why low numbers for medical abortions in Quebec

The medical abortion numbers in Quebec I reported last time appeared to too low, so I asked RAMQ:

"The numbers of medical abortions seem to be very low. Can you check for me and see if there is a mistake in the medical abortion numbers? Also, the cost per abortion seems very low. Can you check on those costs as well?"

The response I received:

"Les tableaux disponibles en ligne concernant les remboursements accordés dans le cadre du Programme d’accès universel gratuit à l’interruption volontaire de grossesse médicamen­teuse fournissent des données concernant le MifégymisoMC (pilule abortive) remis en pharmacien communautaire à la suite d’une consultation en clinique médicale à une personne assurée au régime public d’assurance médicaments. La Régie ne détient pas de donnée concernant le MifégymisoMC reçu dans un établissement de santé . Nous constatons que peu de personnes assurées vont en clinique médicale lorsqu’elles envisagent un avortement médicamenteux. En effet, elles semblent privilégier les services en établissement. Le nombre peu élevé de remboursements du MifégymisoMC dans les pharmacies communautaires s’explique probablement ainsi."

I don't speak French, so according to Google translate:

"The tables available online regarding reimbursements granted under the Free Universal Access to The Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy Drug Program provide data on Mifegymiso™ (abortion pill) given to a community pharmacist following a consultation in a medical clinic to a person insured under the public drug insurance plan. The Régie does not hold any data concerning Mifégymiso™ received in a health facility. We find that few insured people go to medical clinics when they are considering a medical abortion. Indeed, they seem to favour institutional services. This is likely due to the low number of reimbursements for Mifegymiso™ in community pharmacies."

I will attempt to find out what the numbers are for health facilities. 

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