Saturday, March 8, 2025

Mark Carney and pro-life Canadians

I sent this letter to Mark Carney six days ago. I haven't heard back from him.

Dear Mark Carney,

I have heard that you are a practicing Catholic.

So I was wondering. If you become Prime Minister, will you restore funding to pro-life groups for the summer Jobs program? Will you allow pro-life people to be Liberal MPs? Will you cease and desist the attacks on Pregnancy Care Centres that began with Justin Trudeau and Joyce Arthur? Basically, will you stop all discriminatory actions against pro-life people?

Pro-life people were not well treated under Justin Trudeau. As it appears you are set to win the Liberal leadership, and that an election will take place soon afterwards, it would be good to know how you would treat pro-life people should you win the election.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


Patricia Maloney

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