Monday, May 9, 2022

It isn't crisis pregnancy centres who spread misinformation, it's the pro-aborts

Dear Justin Trudeau,

I do not understand why you have a problem with pregnancy care centres. From this letter you wrote to the Minister of finance, you instruct the minister to do this:

"Introduce amendments to the Income Tax Act to make anti-abortion organizations that provide dishonest counselling to pregnant women about their rights and options ineligible for charitable status".

"Dishonest counseling"? Have you ever been to a pregnancy care centre, and spoken to the people who work there? Or to the people they serve? I don't think you have. If you had, you would know that these allegations are totally untrue. So why are you saying this, and targeting their charitable status?

If you do actually want to know the truth about these centres, may I suggest you watch this 20 minute interview with the Executive director of CAPSS. CAPSS has 82 affiliates who provide this amazing care and support to women. 

What I do know for sure is this. There are people out there who really really hate pregnancy care centres. And they have been going after pregnancy care centres for many years now, spreading many falsehoods about them. I really hope you haven't been listening to them, because if you have been, you are being led astray.

Thank you.

Patricia Maloney

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