Sunday, August 18, 2019

The scandal of raking in tax dollars (part 2)

“ . . .there’s no moral equivalence between anti-choice groups and pro-choice groups." Joyce Arthur August 2019
Further to my previous report on government funding to organizations who signed the Options letter, there is even more government funding going to these kinds of organizations that promote/support/fund abortion. Many of them are foreign companies, but also Canadian companies.

(This letter was initiated by Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights.)

This post uncovers some of that funding to these organizations.

(Other funding to Canadian organizations will be disclosed in subsequent posts.)

Today I can tell you that Justin Trudeau's Liberals are funding at least 1,398,412,544 dollars to groups who promote/support/fund abortion. That is $1,007,110,155 as reported by Global affairs plus an additional $391,302,389 going to many of these same international organizations (for some reason not reported by Global Affairs), along with Canadian feminist organizations. All in the name of reproductive choice.

(Notice this caveat at the Global Affairs link: “All data is preliminary and will be updated regularly as more information becomes available through project implementation. Given operational sensitivities certain projects contributing SRHR are not included in this list.” Why not? What are they hiding from us?)

If you are a feminist organization, the Canadian government's pockets' are very deep.

A couple of interesting things in the data jumped out at me:
  • Abortion doctor Wendy Norman received $2,434,814
  • The Clintons received $19,950,000 for Sexual and Reproductive Health for Women and Adolescents in Northern Nigeria. (Abortion is generally illegal in Nigeria.)
  • Aga Khan Foundation Canada received $19,449,291 for Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health in Cabo Delgado. (Aga Khan of Justin Trudeau's first conflict of interest fame)
  • More Canada summer job funding
  • Over one million to Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick inc (good work if you can get it)
Most of these Canadian dollars go to abortion in Africa and Central America, where for the most part, abortion is illegal. Over one billion dollars worth of reproductive choice.

Obianuju Ekeocha in her book Target Africa – Ideological neocolonialism in the twenty-first Century tells us that Africans do not want abortion. That Africans love big families. That Africans value all human life. That most Africans are against abortion. She should know, being born and raised in Kenya:

“A 2014 Ipsos study found that 87 percent of Kenyans oppose abortion on demand...The vast majority of Africans said that abortion was morally unacceptable: 92 percent of Ghanaians, 88 percent of Ugandans, 82 percent of Kenyans, 80 of Nigerians, and 77 of Tunisians said they considered abortion to be morally wrong.”

She tells us about the Maputo Protocol which was supposed to bring rights to African women. This is what Obianuju Ekeocha says about article 14 of the Protocol:

“It is obvious that article 14 was incorporated into the Maputo Protocol in order to open the door to legal abortion throughout the has become the most lobbied, campaigned, and promoted by Western-funded feminist organizations across Africa. Millions of dollars have been given to weaponize the forty words of the article that provide a license to kill Africa's unborn children.” [Are you listening mister feminist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau?]

Obianuju Ekeocha also argues against accepting the billions of dollars in aid given to Africa. She says that aid is tied to

“control over many aspects of African life, including sexual behaviour and reproduction rates.”

She concludes with this:
“So why is it acceptable for wealthy Westerners to send along contraceptives with their humanitarian aid after a hurricane or another natural disaster? Trying to stop people in the developing world from having children should be considered appalling, especially since doing it is not a development strategy. It is an invasion strategy, and that is why Africa must walk away from aid.”
That's now a total of $1,550,884,070 ($152,471,526 from my last post + 1,398,412,544) Canadian taxpayer funding to organizations that promote/support/fund abortion. And counting...

In case you had any doubt that abortion is big business.