Thursday, January 16, 2025

Dying with Dignity - lobbies the government a LOT

The following excerpts are from another Dying With Dignity Canada ATIP (from January 1, 2021 to August 14, 2023) I did to Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). I have italicized what appears to be HC's comments in this internal email, since their red comments do not appear in the ATIP.

Internal email in ESDC.

Dying with Dignity was one of the stakeholders that was consulted and submitted comments on the MAID regulatory amendments. Most of their submission was fairly technical - i.e. commenting on the wording of specific provisions, however, I've extracted some of the general points that they raised. I’ve made a few comments in red as to our position re the comments - the ones in which I haven't included comments go beyond the scope of the regulations.

As noted in our suggestions to Health Canada in May, DWDC believes MAID reports would benefit from the inclusion of real-world context behind the data, including patients' background information (excluding their identity), their condition, and additional details concerning their decision to seek MAID; including such real- world information in Health Canada's reports could also lead to enhanced public understanding of MAID, including the various instances in which people seek to access it. It should be noted that in a January 2021 poll commissioned by DWDC and conducted by Ipsos, it was found that 37% of Canadians do not know that MAID is legal in Canada or believe that it is illegal. While HC's agree that this detail is important, we believe that it is best captured through third-party research and not by practitioners. 

• In provinces which employ more of centrally coordinated MAID system (e.g., Alberta) the collection of additional patient information is made much easier when an intake person is responsible for that function. It should be noted that there is concern however that this could lead to a disparity in data collection across the country. HC agrees that the care coordination model is an efficient way to collect data and can reduce practitioner reporting burden.

• The federal government should recognize the significant new administrative burden that will be placed on MAID clinicians if they are required to ask all of the proposed questions Based on stakeholder feedback, HC is looking at ways to reduce the number of question in order to reduce administration burden on practitioners. However, it should be recognized that there will be increased reporting burden due to Bill C7 requirements to collect data on race, Indigenous identity and disability and the enhanced procedural requirements for persons whose death is not reasonably foreseeable.

• The federal government should work with the provinces to provide reasonable administrative support through targeted funding.

• The federal government should work with the provinces on the development of a model for the fair and equitable remuneration to Nurse Practitioners who provide MAID services

• The information sought should be tied to an individual's health card so it can be readily accessed via the province by Health Canada

• Remove all questions that can be answered by patients and are not eligibility/procedural safeguard questions and place them in a separate paper and electronic survey on Health Canada letterhead and available for printing by clinicians; it must be made very clear in this document that patients are contributing to the overall understanding of MAID in Canada and the identification of any systemic barriers to MAID Provinces and Territories already integrate questions that go beyond eligibility/procedural safeguards into their own MAID reporting forms/systems and for P/Ts reporting directly to Health Canada this is incorporated into the reporting portal. Doing this as a separate survey would only increase reporting burden.


Here we have the Minister meeting with DWDC. Other Ministers have also met with DWDC. I wonder if these ministers have met with anyone opposed to euthanasia, or if they only meet with Dying With Dignity?


Meeting with Dying with Dignity on December 7, 2021

For your Meeting


• You are meeting with the organization Dying with Dignity Canada (DWDC) regarding medical assistance in dying (MAID) on Tuesday December 7 at 2:00 p.m. DWDC representatives Helen Long and former Senator James Cowan will attend the meeting.

...Issues of interest to DWDC that are the focus of AMAD and the Expert Panel. Specifically, DWDC opposes the exclusion of mental illness and advance requests from MAID; they are in favor of reducing procedural barriers to MAID... 

...Organizations such as DWDC are opposed to the exclusion of mental illness from MAID... 

...Before the Act was passed, the House of Commons rejected a Senate amendment that would have permitted advance requests for MAID prior to being diagnosed with a grievous and irremediable medical condition (i.e., dementia). DWDC, among other organizations, was opposed to the Government’s decision to reject this amendment... 

Clearly, Dying with Dignity opposes any exclusions to MAID. 


From an email internal to ESDC:

I attended a meeting today with Min (Kristina and Taras) with Dying with Dignity (former Senator Jim Cowan and Helen L). Focus of the discussion was how to bridge the gap between the perspectives of the disability community with that of dying with dignity. Specifically the organization was seeking advice on how to engage disability organizations.

Dying with dignity emphasized that as a principle their organization supports the idea that persons with disabilities should have access to the programs and services that would allow them to live.

But they see this as a separate issue from MAID and expressed concern that disability organizations were using MAID as a way to leverage additional action on disability supports. The emphasized that from their experience and work the perspective of advocacy organizations and individuals with disabilities was not aligned. That according to their studies and surveys persons with disabilities are just as likely to be supportive of MAID as other Canadians. They added that the principle of autonomy and choice were important ones for persons with disabilities to be treated equally as other Canadians.

What about the persons with disabilities who are not supportive of MAID? There are lots of them. And once again, we have the DWDC doing their own studies.

They stated that many persons with disabilities do not want to make their perspectives known publicly and this is hindering their ability to bring these issues to light. They also speculated whether there needed to be more engagement and discussion (education) with the disability community about the process for MAID and the current safeguards in place.

Min emphasized that education was not necessarily something they saw as an issue, but identified some common ground on issues such as data collection, the development of safeguards. DWD indicated that there were no known cases of abuse of MAID in Canada and didn’t think it would be necessary to add additional safeguards noting these could end up being barriers to MAID . They also were not sure that making individuals aware of disability supports available to them would be practical  and were concerned that given the differences in supports available across the country this may lead to a barrier for individuals to access MAID.

Known cases of MAID abuse. Barriers to MAID are a problem? Disability supports are not practical?

Min raised that while there may not be cases of abuse known, that the pandemic has highlighted some of the biases that exist in the health care system and that often physicians look at disability more from a medical rather than social perspective and that there are biases embedded in that including disableism and ableism. Training was therefore an important aspect of the MAID system to ensure there was greater awareness of disability issues and the experiences of persons with disabilities.

Min said that there would be opportunities to engage more when the parliamentary review restarted and that they were also watching closely the work of the expert panel on mental health. It was agreed that a dialogue with the disability community may not be productive but finding areas of common ground would be.


Helen Long is worried about the negative news reports on MAID. As we all should be. Very worried.

From: Helen Long, Dying With Dignity Canada Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 at 11:11 

Subject: Clearing up misconceptions


Stories have been circulating in the media about people in Canada being forced to access MAID, and that those who are not able to access supports that they need to live are opting to have MAID instead. We have published some facts on our website to clear up common misconceptions, like these ones, around Bill C-7 and expanded eligibility criteria for medical assistance in dying.

Recent polling has shown that 82% of Canadians support the removal of the "reasonably foreseeable" death requirement from MAID legislation and that 86% continue to support the Carter v. Canada decision. These and other stats can be found in a newly released Ipsos poll, conducted on behalf of Dying With Dignity Canada. 

Note above that maybe polling should be done from a third party and not by DWDC.

We were pleased to see the House of Commons unanimously support a motion regarding a Canada Disability Benefit. The federal government must increase investments into supports for people with disabilities and fully support our most vulnerable populations, so they have every opportunity to thrive.

Thanks to the generous contributions of 1,247 supporters, we surpassed our fundraising goal this spring, with a total of $111,663 raised (and counting!).This support has afforded our team the resources needed to increase our education, patient navigation, and support work now and into the future.

This is a common bragging point in DWDC's emails--how wonderful it is to get the thousands and thousands of dollars in donations.

The last thing I want to share with you today is that the Final Report of the Expert Panel on MAID and Mental Illness has been released. This report will help to inform the Committee as they finalize their own Interim Report on MAID and Mental Illness, which is expected to be completed by June 23. We thank the members of the Panel for their work in producing recommendations on practice standards, vulnerabilities, implementation, and more.




Friday, January 10, 2025

Thanks to Kelsi Sheren and Jordan Peterson: drowning with MAID

As I've mentioned before, Dying with Dignity has a very close relationship with the End of Life care division of Health Canada. They advise the Health Minister, and email the department regularly.

Besides Health Canada they also lobby the Justice department, and have done so since at least 2020, with a documented 115 monthly lobby reports. They lobby MPs, senators, ministers, government whips, the PMO's office, bureaucrats, basically anyone with a pulse.

So...remember when Kelsi Sheren told Jordan Peterson about the The Horrifying Truth Behind MAID They Aren't Telling You, based on testimony of Dr Joel Zivot? As in, people are drowning when they are MAIDed?

Well it seems that Helen Long of Dying with Dignity fame went a bit apoplectic when people started calling her about this (My recent ATIP for DWDC):


As I'm sure you're aware the misinformation (that hardly seems like enough of a word) about drugs used in the MAID process in Canada and the way they are experienced by patients is out of control. I'm sure you've seen the clip REDACTED and there have been numerous articles circulating. REDACTED got this request this morning indicating things are becoming more far reaching and skewed than ever. We've been getting quite a few calls and REDACTED mentioned that they are having patients express fear and concern to clinicians because of this inaccurate information. (emphasis added)

I'm wondering if Health Canada (as the regulator) is considering adding additional information regarding the drugs or some kind of fact check regarding the REDACTED comments to their website or releasing some kind of statement? Can you tell me if there have been any discussions with comms?

Happy to have a quick call if that's helpful. I can be reached at REDACTED



Helen Long (she/her)'

I hope patients are expressing fear and concern about letting the likes of the pro-deathers kill them. That is good news. Thankfully Health Canada doesn't appear to act on Helen Long's panic letter.

'Hi Helen,

Thanks for flagging. We are still having discussions regarding what we are able to address and how. Unfortunately material such as podcasts (that you forwarded earlier) and challenging to address since they are opinion pieces essentially. Also, we don't want to bring additional attention to that type of material.

Appreciate you continuing to keep me in the loop.


Here is Dr Joel Zivot's submission to the Senate on February 8, 2021. Dying with Dignity debunks Dr Zivot's testimony. Of course they do. I encourage readers to read his testimony yourselves and be your own judge as to whether or not people drown when receiving MAID.

Note: Dr. Zivot discusses the three MAID drugs that DYDC also confirms are used for MAID.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Finance committee biased against pro-life charities

Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights said this in their submission for the PRE-BUDGET CONSULTATIONS IN ADVANCE OF THE 2025 BUDGET: 

'In Canada, anti-abortion organizations use misleading information in an attempt to dissuade people from seeking safe abortion and some politicians are promoting disinformation regarding sexuality education and gender-affirming care.' 

This misinformation and disinformation from ACSHR resulted in this recommendation from the Report of the Standing Committee on Finance:

ACSHR makes unproven and already debunked allegations about pro-life charities, and this results in the Standing Committee on Finance recommending that pro-life charities lose their charitable status. Is this for real? Did the committee verify these allegations? Did they do any checking at all on the validity of these claims? Because if they did they would have learned that any disinformation and misinformation comes from the pro-abortion side of the divide.

Unbelievably, this committee is willing to recommend that an entire sector of charities lose their charitable status, based on untruths. These falsehoods come from an organization that has received millions of dollars in government grants, all the while Pro-life charities receive no government grants.

And should a charity that receives millions, be allowed to lobby the government to remove the charitable status from another charity? Is this ethical? Or are ethics not important anymore?

Removing the charitable status from pro-life organizations, based on unproven allegations from another charity, who themselves receive millions in government funding, and who have a long history of attacking pro-life groups with the help of these government grants, should bear some pretty serious scrutiny. But no, pro-life people and charities have endured bias from the pro-abortions and this Liberal government for nine long years.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Ontario pays for 19 abortions in the US at $17,382/abortion

Further to my previous post on Ontario's out of country abortion numbers of 2023-2024, I now have the cost of these abortions.

Ontario sent 19 women to the United States and OHIP pre-approved these abortions to the tune of $229,995US or about $327,608.28 Canadian. That is $12,205US or about $17,381.58 Canadian per abortion.

My guess is that because of the high cost of these abortions, and the fact that they were all done in the US, is that they are most probably third trimester abortions. See this:

'third‐trimester abortions cost much more: they range in cost from a few thousand dollars to over $25,000, depending on gestation and clinical complexity.'


Don't let the pro-abortions tell you that Canada isn't committing very late term/third trimester abortions. Because they do. In this case at least, we just did it in the United States. Oh. And those 19 out of country abortions? That's only from one province. How many are being done in the rest of Canada?

Friday, December 6, 2024

Why does the government fund far-right hate and not far-left hate?

Dear Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities Kamal Khera,

Your department handed out $708,400 in 2020 and 2023 to the Anti-Hate Network. Public Safety gave them $200,000 this year.

I have a couple of questions I would like you to answer for me regarding the work that the anti-hate network is doing for this money.

1) In 2023, Statistics Canada reported a +260% increase in Catholic hate crimes in 2021. In the past couple of years there have been 112 cases of vandalization or burning of Catholic churches

Not only did your government not act or report on these hate crimes, neither did the Anti-Hate Network. Can you please explain this lack of action from the government, and from the organization that your government has given almost a million dollars to?

2) The Anti-Hate Network hasn't reported on the extreme hatred of the Oct 7 terrorist attack on Israel by the hate group Hamas?
Why not?

3) The Anti-Hate Network is part of the Antifa movement Regarding a case where the anti-hate network sued Barbara and Jon Kay:
"The judge said that the statements made had the benefit of being true, noting that, “CAHN did in fact assist Antifa and that the movement has been violent,” and it would be reasonable to state that it is not a “good look” for a human rights organization to support a violent movement. Additionally, the judge concluded the defence of fair comment could apply, meaning the opinions expressed by the Kays could be reasonably drawn from the known facts and were not expressed out of malice. The judge noted that even “Warman’s evidence was that he and CAHN were part of the Antifa movement,” and its “muscular resistance” and “physical disruption” were known to two other board members."
Why is the Canadian government funding an organization that is involved with Antifa?

4) The anti-hate network only focuses on (what they call) 'far-right', or 'ultra-right' or 'extreme-right' organizations. Why are they not also focusing on far-left hate organizations?

5) Your own anti-racism strategy only talks about far-right organizations and not far-left organizations. Why does your government not care about 'far-left', or 'ultra-left' or 'extreme-left'  hatred? 

I look forward to your answers to my questions.

Thank you.

Patricia Maloney

NOTE: I have no idea how Canadian Heritage's promotion of 'linguistic and cultural diversity', and 'arts and heritage sectors' and 'helping to share our stories and build a strong inclusive Canada' aligns with giving tax dollars to the Anti-Hate Network who aligns itself with Antifa, and doesn't care about Catholic hate crimes and burning churches.