Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Quebec has more late-term born-alive abortions than the rest of Canada

Andrea Mrozek writes about the recent study out of Quebec on born-alive abortions.

'The kicker for Canadians is that the study sample was 13,777 abortions done between 1989 and 2021 in Quebec. This means that over 32 years, about 430 abortions resulted in live births every single year in that province.'

These late term abortions also happen every year, in every other province in Canada. I have been collecting this data for many years from CIHI, but CIHI never reports on Quebec data. Now we know that there is an average of 430 of these late-term abortions in Quebec every year. This is a staggering number. It is also way higher than the number of late-term born-alive abortions in the rest of Canada (there were 131 in the rest of Canada in 2022/2023). 

Only 5.5% of these born alive abortions received palliative care.

'In analyses of live births, one-quarter of neonates (24.5%) were admitted to an intensive care unit and 5.5% received palliative care.'

Abort late-term baby. Abortion fails. Baby is born-alive. Don't give it palliative care. This is just plain evil.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Canada spends $6,496,076 on 'pride' in 2023

In 2023 Canada doled out $6,496,076 to the 'pride' ideology. That's a hefty increase to the previous three years when we spent $12,548,238 (for the three years during Covid 2020-2022 for an average of $4,182,746 a year. Also note that this money does not include the millions and millions spent on all things LGBTQ, but only 'pride' as in parades, festivals etc.)

I like this particular gem of $1.5 million given to Vancouver to combat 'the rise of hate':

'This 10-month project will address the rise of hate towards the 2SLGBTQIA+ community by supporting the Pride events teams and organizers across the country. This will be achieved through the redistribution of funds to pride events to increase their safety and security and the creation and implementation of training and resources on events safety available to Fierté Canada Pride’s network and beyond.'

Program name and purpose:

'Equality for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Program

The purpose of ESSOGIE program is to advance social, political and economic equality with respect to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. Advancement towards a greater understanding of the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors that include race, national and ethnic origin, Indigenous origin or identity, age, sexual orientation, socio-economic condition, place of residence and disability are encouraged under the Program.'

Friday, September 6, 2024

Hiding government abortion spending

I think we can file this blog under the title misinformation. Or maybe sneaky. Or how about, we are spending your tax dollars on abortion and don't want you to find it where we publish all other government spending?

I have done a lot of research using the Grants and Contributions database for things like 'reproductive health', 'pride', 'LGBTQetc'. That's how I learn how our tax dollars are being spent on Justin Trudeau's favourite ideologies. 

Then there's this: Faculty of Medicine researchers have received $3.8 million from the Government of Canada to address barriers to abortion access for underserved populations. 

But when I went to look in the G&C database to see this funding, I couldn't find it listed. I tried numerous combinations of words, but no, the funding wouldn't show up. So I then contacted the program itself. They said:

"The research project you reference is funded by the Government of Canada’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund. You can learn more about the fund in the federal government’s news release for this fundingIf you have any questions about the Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund, we recommend contacting the Government of Canada."

So down the rabbit hole I went, emailing the Minister of Health, the Deputy Minister, and others. Finally I got a response. I received two links: Initial Funding | Renewal of Funding to the G&C database. (I didn't even know about the second one). The first one is for $3,833,486 and the second one for $1,287,991 for a total of $5,121,477.

Now please take careful note of the description of this funding in the G&C database:

"Description: To support the federal government’s commitment to maintain a strong and effective publicly funded health care system through investments in emerging and demonstrated innovations in priority areas, such as palliative and end-of-life care, home and community care, mental health care and other federal, provincial-territorial and emerging priorities."

There is nothing about addressing barriers to abortion access for underserved populations. In fact, what has palliative care and end-of-life have to do with abortion access? No wonder I couldn't find the funding. 

So what other abortion funding is Justin Trudeau hiding in the G&C database?

Thursday, August 22, 2024

There's no stopping Canada's euthanasia lobby

Another ATIP.

Dying with Dignity is in the business of promoting the killing of people through euthanasia. This is why they exist. In 2023 they joined with Dr. Anvita Dixit and Joyce Arthur to write a report Exploring the impact of belief-based denial of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) on those seeking services: A multi-methods qualitative study in Canada. The study is focused on conscientious objection, which is a huge problem for those in the euthanasia business. If doctors are allowed to follow their consciences and or, not provide an effective referral to kill their patients, less people will be euthanized. 

This study received a $25,000 grant. Here is an excerpt of DWDC's letter to SSHRC explaining their participation in this study:

"We aim to establish foundational information about effects of “conscientious objection” that can serve as a baseline for other projects and future research. Our goal is to publish at least one peer-reviewed journal article on belief-based care denial of MAiD to motivate further research both in Canada and abroad to determine the extent of harms caused to patients by this practice. Further, we anticipate that the research undertaken as a part of this grant will inform DWDC’s evidence-based advocacy strategy dedicated to limiting or prohibiting belief-based care denial in general. This grant will further the understanding of “conscientious objection” from uOttawa’s and ARCCs current SSHRC-funded study on belief-based care denial of abortion and contraception." (emphasis added)

Imagine any sane person talking about the harms caused by conscientious objection?

Joyce Arthur's ARCC is even offering a $40 Amazon gift certificate for participants in the study. 

DWDC's Helen Long and Kelsey Goforth will devote their time on an in-kind basis of $12,500 to the study. DWDC will pay this in-kind donation; it will not come out of the pocket of Helen Long who earned between $200,000 and $249,000 in 2023.

The euthanasia business, just like the abortion business, is all about the money.

To know more about DWDC's agenda including euthanasia for mental illness, listen to Jonathon Van Maren's recent interview with Canada's expert on euthanasia, Alex Schadenberg.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pro-abort gets tax dollars to promote reproductive justice

F.L. Jessica Ball from the University of Victoria wrote a paper with Joyce Arthur, and received $28,792 in government funding from SSHRC to do it: Abortion Attitudes and Access: Building A Canadian Framework for Reproductive Justice.

I couldn't find the report published on-line (why isn't it on-line?) but I did receive the report in an ATIP I did to SSHRC.

The pro-aborts want to progress from reproductive rights (mentioned 31 times in the report) to reproductive justice (mentioned 73 times in the report). Must be important.

A couple of key fabrications in the report.

  • The author states three times in her tax-payer funded report, that there is a Charter right to abortion. There is no Charter right to abortion in Canada.
  • The author states that Pierre Poilievre has been rated as pro-life by Arthur's ARCC. Pierre Poilievre has publicly stated he is pro-choice. Nope. Not pro-life.
  • The author references a study by Laroche and Foster on pregnancy care centres in Ontario and their 'deceptive tactics'. This study was done in 2015 but the public can't see it unless they want to pay for it. In any case, since then there have been volumes written debunking this infamous pro-abortion myth.
  • The author states "They [ARCC] is a charitable organization". No it isn't.
  • This is interesting. According to the report: "The University of British Columbia’s Contraception and Abortion Research Team (CART) was awarded $3.8 million from the Government of Canada to develop resources for underserved populations seeking abortion and to establish a national training platform for healthcare professionals, focusing on destigmatized and contextually appropriate abortion care (University of British Columbia, 2023)." But the grants and contributions database does not report this funding. Why not?
  • The author uses the phrase 'pregnant person' 15 times. Everyone knows that only women get pregnant.

I wonder if a pro-life researcher could receive $28,792 to write the report Why do the pro-aborts keep getting millions of dollars and we get zero dollars?