Thursday, August 31, 2023

ARCC lobbies government against pro-life charity

Joyce Arthur and her Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) are registered lobbyists. I wondered. What kind of lobbying are they doing?

So I submitted an ATIP to Employment and Social Development. What I found out was shocking but not surprising. It seems that ARCC is having big feelings--writing to two different ministers and the Prime Minister--that a pro-life organization received a paltry $3,362 in 2021 through the Canada Summer Jobs program (when I checked I saw that they actually received $3,383 in 2022). 

Let's compare that to what another charity--the pro-abortion charity--Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, received in 2022 in government funding: $3,003,355. That's 888 times as much as the pro-life charity received.

ARCC apparently didn't like that a pro-life charity received this miniscule grant. Because ARCC demanded of ESDC, that this charity:

  • Does not receive any Canada Summer Jobs funding this year
  • Is permanently disqualified from receiving CSJ funding in the future
  • Is required to repay the CSJ funding they received in 2021, due to violating program requirements as their mandate and primary activities are to oppose human rights including reproductive rights

I don't believe one needs to comment on these demands made by ARCC. Other than they are both ridiculous and petty.

The pro-life charity paid out a total of $3,455 in salaries for two part-time employees. That's a $1,727.50 salary per employee, which was covered by this itsy-bitsy, teeny-weenie grant the pro-life group received. For comparison purposes, Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights's total compensation paid to employees that year was $2,175,492, five of whom made between $80,000 and $119,999, and five of whom made between $120,000 and $159,999. The $3,003,355 received by Action Canada in government funding, would have more than covered these exorbitant salaries, with almost a million left over to use to promote their pro-abortion agenda.

Lobbying the government is one thing. But for a pro-abortion group to lobby the government against giving a pocket-change sized grant to a pro-life charity is pretty low even for a pro-abortion group. 

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