Monday, June 12, 2023

Federal public servants get $75,000 to transition to a different gender

"August 11, 2015: MONTREAL – Canadians deserve an open, transparent government that will focus on their real priorities – economic growth that works for everyone, said the Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau, today. “Only Liberals have a plan for real change that will restore trust in our democracy, and ensure an open and transparent government.”" Justin Trudeau 2015

(This blog entry isn't actually about the above myth, it just came to me as I was writing about my current ATIP waiting game, where ATIPs and Information commissioner complaints, can take up to almost two years to receive. ATIPs always take longer than the promised 30 days. Never mind all of the redacted information that accompanies every response. The wheels of information release--when they actually turn at all--go way slower than the millions dished out by the Trudeau government's numerous and favourite ideological causes, that turn at warp speed....and now onto my other important news...)

If you work for the Federal public service and decide you don't like being a man or woman, you can get "gender affirming procedures" performed for up to $75,000 all free of charge--paid for by the public service healthcare program, as in, paid for, by you the tax payer. 

My question is: what if I decide to de-transition because I realize I've made the biggest mistake of my life--and my heart sincerely goes out to these people--will I then get another $75,000 benefit to fix my mistake?

I submitted an ATIP to ask this exact question, to learn what information, if any, they have on paying for de-transitions. I haven't received a response yet. They're stalling: My ATIP request went out on May 2. On May 23 I was informed they needed another 90 days extension. Of course they do.

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