Friday, January 13, 2023

Misinformation from pro-choice groups on abortion

Dear Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland,

I would like to speak to you about misinformation. On abortion. From pro-choice charities. From abortion facilities.

I know that you want to investigate pro-life charities. You allege that they "are actively working to spread misinformation about abortion" and that you will amend the income tax act "to make them ineligible for charitable status".

You have not provided any evidence of these allegations against pro-life charities. This is because pro-life charities do not engage in these practices.

Can you please tell me if you will also be investigating pro-choice charities that engage in spreading misinformation to women about abortion? One can't help but notice that you only singled out pro-life groups. Why is that? If investigations go forward, logically, all charities that engage in providing misinformation must be investigated. Focusing on only one sector is discriminatory towards that sector, wouldn't you agree?

To help you get started, I have done some research for you. In particular I've chosen two abortion facilities, and one pro-abortion charity that advocates for abortion. I do a very narrow focus on only second trimester abortion misinformation. These abortions are often D&E (Dilation and evacuation) abortions. As background information, in 2020, there were at least 1,913 of these second trimester dilation and extraction abortions in Canada (based on CIHI data). 

As you can see from the chart, this number only represents those D&E abortions performed in hospitals, and not in clinics and not in Quebec. So there are more of these abortions performed than what CIHI reports. How many more, we do not know.

Here is an accurate description of a D&E abortion.

D&E abortions are completed in two steps on consecutive days:

1. Preparation Stage — Day 1: A pre-abortion ultrasound identifies how far along you are in the pregnancy and reveals the position of the fetus and placenta. Feticide: An injection to induce fetal demise is sometimes given through the woman's abdomen or cervix. This is an elective step taken by 50% of physicians in the US. Antibiotics: A single dose of oral antibiotics is given to prevent infection. Dilation: The cervix is softened and gradually dilated (opened) over a 24-hour period using osmotic dilators. Seaweed stalks (laminaria) or hydrogel rods are used for this purpose as they slowly expand by absorbing the moisture in the woman's cervix. After the placement of the dilators, the woman is free to leave the clinic until her appointment the following day.

2. Evacuation Stage — Day 2: Anesthesia: D&Es are typically performed using a paracervical block (local anesthetic injected into your cervix) and intravenous conscious sedation. Removal of Fetus and Placenta: The doctor uses a speculum to open the woman's vagina, making her cervix visible. A tube is inserted into her uterus, by which all amniotic fluid is suctioned out. Using forceps, the fetus is then dismembered and extracted in pieces. After the extraction, suction and curettage ensure that the uterus is completely emptied. An ultrasound is commonly used to confirm that the abortion is complete. (Emphasis added)

(Notice that the word "fetus" is used three times. Canadian prochoice charities almost never (if ever) use the word fetus when talking about abortions.)


Below are examples of misinformation from pro-choice facilities regarding second trimester abortions. Many of these second trimester abortions would be D&E abortions (many if not all).

1) According to a pro-abortion websiteVancouver Island Women's Clinic performs 

Aspiration or surgical [abortions] up to 23 weeks, 6 days LMP (done in hospital)

This is what the clinic says on their site about these second term abortions.

Surgical abortions are done at the hospital. You will need at least two appointments; one for a consultation visit and the second for the surgical procedure. If your pregnancy is over 14 weeks, you will need to come to the clinic the day before the procedure [notice that this surgical procedure is not described] for laminaria to be inserted into the cervix to soften it overnight.

During the consultation process, you will talk with the nurse and the doctor to review your options, have blood work organized, and discuss a birth control plan. We will answer any questions you have. You will then have an ultrasound and physical examination with the doctor, discuss the procedure [there is no description of the procedure] and sign consents to be booked for the surgery. The procedure [there is no description of the procedure] itself will be booked as a second appointment at the hospital. You must arrive at the hospital 2 hours prior to your procedure. [there is no description of the procedure]

The procedure [there is no description of the procedure] itself takes 5-10 minutesand then it takes approximately 60 minutes for the recovery. It is usually done under intravenous sedation to relax and sedate you. This type of sedation is safer than a general anesthetic. The cervix is frozen, so that there is minimal pain. Most people are at the hospital for 3-5 hours and you must have someone drive you home. We recommend that someone stay with you overnight due to variable effects from the anesthetic medication. You can expect to feel tired on the day of the procedure. [there is no description of the procedure] Most people can resume their usual activities the next day, unless you do heavy lifting at work.

Complication rates are less than 1% for surgical procedures. [there is no description of the procedure] You are given antibiotics immediately before the procedure [there is no description of the procedure] to minimize the risk of infection. An ultrasound is used during or after the procedure [there is no description of the procedure] to ensure completion, and the tissue is examined [what is this tissue? not explained] before you leave the hospital. There is about 1/100,000 chance of a serious reaction to the medications used or any permanent damage to the uterus. There are no known long-term effects of surgical abortion. Women are able to conceive again and have a normal pregnancy. There are no known problems or consequences with having more than one abortion.

We strongly recommend a check-up 2 weeks following the procedure. [there is no description of the procedure] The doctor will speak with you to review your experience, and you will have a chance to discuss your feelings about the process, and ask any remaining questions about birth control. The check-up can also be done with your own health care provider if you have one.

The word fetus is never used. The procedure is not described. One could easily believe that the procedure doesn't pull anything apart; that a fetus is not involved; that nothing is killed. This is misinformation.


2) CARE Program, BC Women's Hospital & Health Centre 

CARE Program provides abortions up to the 25th week of pregnancy.

An abortion after the 12th week of pregnancy (2nd trimester) can involve two to three days of appointments. Depending on how far away you live from Vancouver, you may need to arrange to stay in Vancouver for two to three nights.

Because the pregnancy is more developed after 12 weeks, an additional step is needed to prepare the cervix for the abortion procedure. [there is no description of the procedure] Depending on the number of weeks of the pregnancy, one or two days prior to the abortion you will check in to the clinic, and see the counsellor as in a first trimester abortion.

After signing the Consent Form, you will be given antibiotics, and blood will be drawn to test for Rh factor.

In the procedure room, an ultrasound, and tests for sexually transmitted infections (such as chlamydia and gonorrhea) will be done, after which a small device called a cervical dilator will be placed in the opening of your cervix. Cervical dilators absorb moisture and slowly expand, gently dilating (enlarging) the opening of the cervix over the next 24 hours.

It is important that you are certain of your decision to have an abortion before cervical dilators are inserted. If you change your mind, there is a risk of miscarriage and infection when these are removed without having the abortion done.

On the day of your abortion, you will check in, and a nurse will place a small intravenous tube in your arm (for medication to relieve pain).

Because you have had cervical dilators inserted, your cervix will be prepared for the procedure [there is no description of the procedure], which involves the use of suction and small instruments to empty your uterus [empty the uterus of what, and how?].

After you have rested in the recovery room and when you are ready, you will be able to leave the clinic.

The word fetus is never used. The procedure is not described. One could easily believe that the "procedure" doesn't pull anything apart; that a fetus is not involved; that no fetus is killed. This is misinformation. 

3) Options for Sexual health:

It is a procedure done in a clinic/hospital where the health care provider removes the contents [what are these contents?] of the uterus. In early pregnancy, this is done with aspiration (suction) and usually takes less than 10 minutes. Later in pregnancy, there may be additional steps [what are these additional steps?] in the procedure and it can take longer. 

No description of second trimester abortions. Ironically this abortion information is provided in a section called "the facts", yet no facts on the "procedure" are explained. In fact, there is nothing at all on their site describing second term abortion and / or dilation and extraction abortions. Nothing about fetuses. Nothing about removing limbs from fetuses. Nothing about killing fetuses. Misinformation at its finest.


Examples of misinformation from pro-choice groups attacking pro-life charities

Another area of grave concern is when those who promote or perform abortions engage in misinforming women, attacking pro-life charities, making serious unsubstantiated allegations against them.

Two examples.

1) Vancouver Island Women’s Clinic

You may come across many anti-abortion websites that have frightening and inaccurate information about abortion. Beware of "crisis pregnancy centres." Antichoice groups sometimes set up offices, distress centres, phone lines or “clinics” that pretend to help pregnant women with information and pregnancy tests. Many of these groups try to influence vulnerable individuals to continue their pregnancy by frightening themSome will say anything to have you keep your pregnancy. Their information about gestational development, health risks, and after-effects of abortion may be incorrect. The may also attempt to delay the process, which could lead to a reduction in the number of options you have. If you have any questions or concerns about what you’ve heard or read, please call us and we will help to answer them honestly and without bias. (emphasis added)

No evidence and no proof of these allegations. Misinformation.

2) From Options for Sexual health:

Please note that some organizations that offer pregnancy options counselling, information or decision-making support are pregnancy crisis centers, anti-abortion organizations that spread misinformation about abortion and pressure people into continuing pregnancies. (emphasis added)

No evidence and no proof of these allegations. Misinformation.

Options for Sexual health received provincial funding in 2021 of $1,327,327. They had receipted donations of $84,937, and non-receipted donations of $245,701

Wouldn't the donors of Options for Sexual health, as well as governments Mr. Trudeau and Ms. Freeland, want to know about this misinformation they spread?

There is nothing from these pro-choice groups about what a D&E abortion actually does, and how it is performed. Nothing about killing the fetus by removing the limbs one at a time, then crushing the skull and extracting its pieces. The words "fetus", "extract limbs", "killed", etc. are never used. The phrase "empty your uterus" is used. Emptied of what, and emptied how? Not stated. 

All of this is a gross exercise in misinforming women.

I have provided only three examples of misinformation from pro-abortion groups. I can assure you there are many other examples but this letter is already long enough.

I hope Mr. Trudeau that you will investigate all charitable pro-choice groups in Canada and revoke their charitable status, if and when, they spread misinformation to women.

Thank you.


Patricia Maloney

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