
Sunday, December 8, 2019

3,985 MAID deaths in Ontario

Medical Aid in Dying deaths as of Oct. 31, 2019

What a tragedy all these deaths are.

The youngest person put to death was 22 years old.

Statistics as of October 31, 2019:
• Total number of cases completed in Ontario: 3,985

• Type:
– Clinician-administered: 3,984
– Patient-administered: 1

• Setting of death:
– Hospital: 47%
– Private Residence: 43%
– LTC Facility/Nursing Home: 5%
– Retirement Home/Seniors Residence/Other: 5%

• Number of Unique MAiD Providers:
– Clinicians: 480
– Physicians: 446
– Nurse Practitioners: 34
– Hospitals: 134

• Sex:
– Female: 50%
– Male: 50%
• Age:
– Average Age: 75
– Youngest: 22
– Oldest: 106
• Underlying conditions:
– Cancer-Related: 63%
– Circulatory/Respiratory: 17%
– Neurodegenerative: 11%
– Other: 9%
• Total number of cases with organ donation: 30

The report also breaks down the numbers by county.

Data provided by the Office of the Chief Coroner/Ontario Forensic Pathology.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

A true Canadian hero

On Monday Nov 25 Fr. Tony Van Hee received the Archbishop Adam Exner Award for Catholic Excellence in Public Life, from the Canadian Civil Rights League.

Here is a write up about the event from Lou Iacobelli: Ottawa Rosary praying priest to end abortion wins CCRL award
"We congratulate Fr. Tony Van Hee for a much deserved award but more importantly for doing what St. James teaches us to put faith into action. Canada is a much better place because of pro-life and faith warriors like Fr. Tony Van Hee. May the Lord continue to bless his apostolic efforts on Parliament Hill. Canada needs them more than ever. Our prayers are with you."
The speaker for the evening was Deborah Gyapong.

Congratulations Fr. Tony. Thank you for witnessing and speaking for our pre-born children.

Some pictures from the event.

More pictures from the event here.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

There is [still] no Charter right to abortion in Canada

From Canadian Lawyer Magazine:
"Jennifer Taylor argues Canadians can’t trust the Tory leader on his promise to avert the anti-abortion movement"
In her article, Ms. Taylor repeats the urban legend that there is a Charter right to abortion in Canada. I responded to her article with my own letter.

Here is that letter:

Dear Canadian Lawyer Magazine,

I recently read this piece in your magazine by Jennifer Taylor. I must comment on this article, in particular, Ms. Taylor's opening paragraph below.
"It’s been 50 years since abortion was partly decriminalized in Canada, and 31 years since R v Morgentaler, the Supreme Court of Canada decision that struck down the remaining Criminal Code restrictions. Surely, in 2019, Canadians have accepted that there is a constitutional right to abortion access in this country, and abortion is a publicly funded health care service – not a subject for debate. We’ve moved on. Right? Unfortunately, not."
I take issue with Ms. Taylor's comments, for two reasons.

In one breath Ms. Taylor invokes the constitution, which guarantees freedom of religion, speech and conscience. In her next breath, she states that abortion is not up for debate. This appears to me to be a serious disconnect from both the spirit and the letter of our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I posit that in a democracy, everything is up for debate. Even abortion.

Secondly, and this point is as important as the first, is the simple fact that there is no constitutional right to abortion in Canada. Abortion advocates have been pushing this myth for some time now but it simply is not true.

I refer you to an in-depth analysis of the Supreme Court Morgentaler decision: .
"Contrary to what many Canadians think, the Supreme Court of Canada, in its landmark 1988 Morgentaler decision striking down Canada’s abortion law, did not recognize a constitutional right to abortion. Nor did the Court “settle” the abortion issue as is often claimed. Rather, the Court left it to Parliament to come up with a new abortion law that would balance the rights of women with the state’s interest in the protection of the fetus, without offending the Charter."
This analysis goes into great detail about what the Morgentaler did say, and what it did not say.

Clearly the Supreme Court did not resolve the abortion issue in 1988, but left it to Parliament to come up with a new law--which Parliament did not do. In fact, the Court was unanimous in also finding that the state did have an interest in the protection of fetal/unborn human life.
Like Beetz and Wilson JJ., I agree that protection of foetal interests by Parliament is also a valid governmental objective. It follows that balancing these interests, with the lives and health of women a major factor, is clearly an important governmental objective.” (R v Morgentaler at page 75) 
Historically, there has always been a clear recognition of a public interest in the protection of the unborn and there is no evidence or indication of general acceptance of the concept of abortion at will in our society. The interpretive approach to the Charter adopted by this Court affords no support for the entrenchment of a constitutional right of abortion. (R v Morgentaler, at p. 39)
There is no constitutional right to abortion in Canada. Parliament is exactly the place where a new law, can and should be debated, and where fetal protection can and should be provided. Just as the Supreme Court of Canada advised.

Debate in Canada--a free, democratic and highly educated country--should never be shut down. Especially over a topic as controversial, and as highly political, as abortion.

Thank you.

Patricia Maloney

Monday, November 25, 2019

Pro-abortion nasty media please shut up already

I am really really tired of listening to the sanctimonious, moronic, self absorbed abortion pushers natter on endlessly about Andrew Scheer's social conservative values.

Neil Macdonald:
"The key, he seems to think, is to claim his views on such matters are strictly personal – he is a religious man – and swear that as prime minister, he would never try bringing the land's laws more into alignment with his faith. 
As though "faith," a term treasured by social conservatives for its virtuous connotation, confers some sort of shield that licenses bigotry. 
Following that logic, a member of the Westboro Baptist Church who desires running for public office could say, "Yes, I believe GOD HATES FAGS, but that's a matter of my deeply held faith, you see, and I promise that as president I would govern for all Americans and that I would not re-open the debate on same-sex marriage."
Who exactly is the bigot here Neil?

Full disclosure. I have never met Andrew Scheer nor do I know him personally. His office did help me once when he was speaker of the house. I called his office because I was really p'd off when my rude pro-abortion MP refused to read my my pro-life petition in the House. He abruptly hung up the phone on me when I insisted--since he was supposed to represent me--that he read it in the House. So Scheer's office found another MP to read my petition on my behalf. For that I am very thankful to Scheer.

I can't speak for Andrew Scheer. But what I can do, is tell you that I am also a practicing Catholic who takes my Catholic faith very seriously. Probably like Scheer does. I believe abortion is evil. I do not believe in same sex marriage. I also believe that lying is a sin. All these values (and others) are formed from my Catholic faith.

As far as gay sex and women who have abortions go--I don't agree with either of those things. But my Catholic faith has taught me to love and respect all people, and I take that command very very seriously. My loving and respecting people has absolutely nothing to do with how I feel about their personal life situation. They are two separate things.
"And why stubbornly refuse to walk in a Gay Pride parade? Even Doug Ford has walked in a Pride parade, for heaven's sake."
It is a well known fact that there is a lot of lewdness and naked people running around at these parades. So why on earth should Scheer prance around with people engaging in obscene acts and or making fun of Andrew Scheer's own Catholic faith?

So Neil Macdonald, why doesn't Justin Trudeau march in the March for Life each year "for heaven's sake"? What's good for the goose is good for the gander n'est pas?

The anti social conservative twits who love to pounce on anyone--and especially Andrew Scheer--for his values should learn to keep their judgments to themselves. Real Catholics adhere to real Catholic values and beliefs. From everything I have learned about Andrew Scheer, he is a real Catholic.

And saying that the abortion issue in Canada is settled is total nonsense. Last time I checked Canada was still a democracy. My values are just as sacrosanct as your values.

If I were the leader of the opposition and I had to endure this stupid infantile non stop harassment about my social conservative values this is what I'd say to you:
"These are my values. They may be different than your values. If I tell you that I will not reopen the abortion debate, I will not reopen the abortion debate. I don't lie. You may not believe me. But if you don't believe me, that's your problem, not mine. I stand behind my word. I will not discuss this with you again or with anyone else. Next question please."

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Do not be troubled nor disturbed by anything

Yesterday Maureen and I visited Fr. Tony at the abortion killing site. As usual Fr. Tony is there witnessing for the children who cannot speak for themselves. Witnessing for the children who are at the mercy of a Godless society that cares not for them. We do have hope though.

Fr. Tony reminded us of what Our Blessed Mother said to St. Juan Diego at Guadalupe in 1531:
“Listen, my son, to what I tell you now: do not be troubled nor disturbed by anything; do not fear illness nor any other distressing occurrence, nor pain. Am I not your mother? Am I not life and health? Have I not placed you on my lap and made you my responsibility? Do you need anything else?” (Holy card, With Ecclesiastical Approval, Our Lady of Guadalupe Abbey, Lafayette, Oregon)
Fr. Tony changed his signs. See here for his source for his new wording on his signs.

Even though we don't always understand God's ways, and why the evil of abortion is allowed, God is in control. We entrust their tiny souls to Him as we pray and witness to end abortion. This is more precious than anything the pro-abortions have, as there is nothing precious about the slaughter of these holy innocents.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

More on late term, live birth abortions

When I reported 2017/2018 abortion statistics for Ontario, there were 15 abortions called S770A CORPUS UTERI - HYSTEROTOMY and S783A CORPUS UTERI - HYSTEROTOMY WITH TUBAL INTERRUPTION.

Here is the gruesome definition of these abortions taken from the SOGC Clinical Practice guidelines:
"Hysterotomy is essentially an early classical Caesarean section. With current pharmacologic agents for labour induction in pregnancy termination, the procedure is rarely indicated as a primary method of abortion. The morbidity and mortality associated with hysterotomy are far greater than for any other technique. In most cases, failed abortions are managed with parenteral, oral, vaginal, or rectal prostaglandins even in the presence of a uterine anomoly. Only after failure of the prostaglandins should hysterotomy be performed."
And from Thomas W. Hilgers, M.D., Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Creighton University, in testimony before the U.S. Senate Constitution Subcommittee, Oct. 14, 1981. 
"Hysterotomy is an operation like a Caesarean section in which the infant is surgically removed from the mother’s abdomen and uterus. With the hysterotomy type of abortion there is no chemical that is inducing fetal death. When the surgeon [cuts open] the uterus the baby is still alive."

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Trudeau needs to prove his new found humility

Apparently Justin Trudeau is newly "humbled".
"A freshly-chastened Justin Trudeau seems to have absorbed this advice in his meetings with opposition leaders this week, acknowledging he may be able to find “common ground” with politicians he only recently assured Canadians were depriving villages somewhere of their idiots."
Okay. I'm willing to give Trudeau the benefit of the doubt. Let's say for argument's sake, that Trudeau has actually learned a lesson about playing nicely with all those people he normally shuts out of his sandbox. Like Catholics. Like pro-life people. Because up until now, every Catholic/evangelical pro-life person in Canada has been chopped liver. Up until now we know that Trudeau does not work for all Canadians. He has always excluded Catholics and pro-life people from his so-called inclusiveness. Like when he shut us out from the tax payer funded Canadian Summer Jobs Program. Like when he prevented pro-life people from holding a seat in the Liberal party.

He's never replied to any of my letters asking him why he excludes us. Including the one I sent back in 2014 that contained 416 signatures. Even after I resent the letter to him multiple times. By email. By snail mail. Rather rude I'd say don't you think? Not too humble I'd say don't you think? The word arrogant comes to mind. 

So is Trudeau really humbled? If he truly is, then he should tell us that he is he's sorry for treating us as second class citizens. That he's willing to change his tune on the Canadian Summer Jobs Program and allow us to finally qualify for grant money, that by the way, is paid for by all Canadians. Even us. Because as tax paying Canadians, we are forced against our beliefs, to pay for abortions and to pay for his billions in "reproductive choice" donations to national and international organizations. The least he can do is give us equal opportunities for funds to save babies and not kill them. Fair is fair.

We will forgive you Justin Trudeau. But first you must admit you were wrong. You need to prove to us that you are really humbled. And that you're not just faking it.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Two pro-life heroes

As I mentioned in my last post, it's pretty disgusting how pro-life people are treated in this country. That being said, it doesn't stop us from doing what we do. Thank God for that. No matter how hard they try, they can't keep us from witnessing and praying for children in the womb and for their mothers. Even if it has to be outside the abortion bubble zone.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Harassment by police of 90 year old pro-lifer

UPDATE December 27, 2019

A friend contacted the Ottawa Police regarding this harassing behaviour by Ottawa Police. Here is the response she received from Jamie Dunlop Superintendent of the Ottawa Police:
"In regards to your request, you, and all persons are free to pray at this site while respecting the bubble zone and any other legislation that may be in effect that respects your right and the rights of others.
I am not able to comment on the veracity of the article further for privacy reasons."
So we are still allowed to pray? Too bad the police's words don't correspond to their actions.
I think they call this carding?

This is a sad and disturbing story about how pro-life people in Canada are treated. We are used to being treated badly by pro-abortion people; to being marginalized by the media; to being thrown under the bus by politicians. But this is a story of police harassment of pro-life people. One of whom is a 90 year old man who calls himself a pro-life warrior.

Frank Barrett signed up for the first 40 Days for life peaceful pro-life vigil, 11 years ago. This is where people stand in silent witness and prayer in front of the abortion killing places. Originally the vigils were held around the clock, and Frank would witness for two hours in the middle of the night.

By his own words Frank says:
“I prayed and put this time in to thank God for my health, my wife, and my family. I've continued every Tuesday since then for all these years, across the street from 65 Bank St. and even continued outside the Bubble Zone until this date.”
Here is more of what what Frank told me.

On Tuesday, Oct 1, 2019, around 2:45 he was praying with his sandwich board on the corner of Bank & Queen outside the abortion bubble zone (in front of CIBC see picture below).

A police van pulled up in front of McDonalds beside 65 Bank St. Frank assumes the Officer went into 65 Bank St, then came out and watched Frank from there for a time.

Then a second police car parked behind that van, and two officers watched him for a time then came over and stood behind him. They said nothing.

Frank turned and asked the police officers if there was a problem. One officer said he was breaking the bubble zone law and wanted to see Frank's identification.

Frank replied to him, that the officer was wrong, and explained the bubble zone law to him. The officer was not interested in listening to his explanation. After a few words Frank agreed to show the officer his retired RCMP Government issued identification card. But the officer refused it, saying it was no good. Frank was upset and then showed the officer his driver's license. This was after he showed the official permit they had for the 40 days for Life

(Note: a person in Canada can still stand and pray anywhere he or she likes without producing a permit or identification. Can't they?)

The officer didn't bother to read the permit. The six others who were with Frank praying, were also asked to produce their identification. Frank felt like he was being bullied.

Frank then told the officers they did not know what they were doing. They then called their sergeant.

Another officer arrived and now there were three police officers, with three police vans with all their lights flashing,

These were seven peaceful pro-life people (one in a wheel chair), praying; outside the bubble zone; in a supposedly free and democratic society. And this is how they are treated.

Frank thought that it must have looked like they were bank robbers.

Then the sergeant spoke to the two officers and asked Frank to stand out of earshot, which he did. The sergeant then left and Frank then asked the two policeman “So what now?”

Their answer? “You can stay here for now”. (thanks for that). Then the officers left.

Here is the final kicker. When Frank went to submit his own police report to the Ottawa police, they had no record of any of this. They even tried to discourage Frank from making a report. But he did report the incident.

Frank received a confirmation of his report and was given a case number and told it could take up to 6 to 8 weeks for them to get back to him.

Ottawa Police "Ethics" policy.
“We are committed to having a highly ethical police service, to obtain public trust and maintain public confidence that we are an honourable, courageous and service-oriented police service.”
We assume that most Ottawa Police officers know how to conduct themselves with politeness and courteous actions, all the while doing their job. However these two Ottawa Police officers did not do the force credit with their heavy handed approach with peaceful pro-life people.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Stupid questions from pro-abortion people

From time to time I get really stupid questions about my late term born alive abortion statistics. These abortions are all done after 20 weeks gestation.

The child is born after an abortion, is a alive, and then it dies. That's all we know.

These morons make a comment or ask a question, I respond, and then they come back with really dumb comments like "I'm not going to read your blog" or "I can read" or "there's no such thing as late term abortions".

These are not my numbers. I didn't make them up. They come from the Canadian Institute for Health Information. If you don't like them it's not my fault, you imbecile. CIHI gets them from hospital discharge records. If you don't like the numbers, then stop believing it's A-okay to keep killing these babies by abortion, any abortion. Before or after 20 weeks.

If you want to have a grown up conversation about these horrific killings of fully formed and often viable human beings left to die, I'm happy to do that. 

But if I see one more stupid comment you're blocked. And have a nice day and give your stupid brain a rest. It needs it.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Fr. Anthony Van Hee, S.J., 2019 Winner of CCRL’s Exner Award

Wonderful news about Fr. Tony. I can't think of anyone more deserving.

Fr. Anthony Van Hee, S.J., 2019 Winner of CCRL’s Exner Award
by CCRL | Oct 25, 2019 | EventsNews | 0 comments
Toronto, ON October 25, 2019 – The Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) is pleased to announce that it has chosen 84-year-old Jesuit priest Fr. Anthony Van Hee from Ottawa as winner of this year’s Archbishop Adam Exner Award for Catholic Excellence in Public Life.
In addition to 51 years as a Catholic priest, Fr. Tony has engaged in a regular prayerful protest to oppose abortion and in support of life, on Parliament Hill, which he commenced in September of 1989. He has kept his faithful vigil for over 30 years.
Fr. Tony was arrested on October 24, 2018 for silently protesting within 50 metres of the Morgentaler abortion clinic in Ottawa. Fr. Van Hee never spoke with anyone. He did not distribute anything. He made no mention of abortion or abortion related services. Fr. Tony simply wore a sandwich board. On the front was the sentence, “The Primacy of Free Speech Cornerstone of Western Civilization”; on the back, “Without Free Speech the State is a Corpse.”

Fr. Tony was charged with violating section 3(1)(e)(iii) of the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act which states:
3 (1) While in an access zone established under section 6 for a clinic or facility, no person shall,
(e) for the purpose of dissuading a person from accessing abortion services,
(iii) intimidate or attempt to intimidate the person, or
The CCRL is involved in a constitutional challenge to the controversial bubble zone law, under which Fr. Tony is charged.
The Exner award will be presented at the CCRL’s Annual Dinner on November 25 in Toronto at 6:30 pm at the Sala Caboto Ballroom at 40 Playfair Ave, west of Dufferin, south of Lawrence.
CCRL President Phil Horgan confirmed the League’s selection:
“We take this opportunity to recognize the persistent and prayerful witness of not only a Catholic priest, but an individual who has stood in silent opposition, no matter the weather or other impediments, to the cause of life.”
On receiving the Exner award, Fr. Tony said:
I have very little in common with Archbishop Adam Exner, but we were born 103 kms from each other. He was born in Killaly, Saskatchewan, in 1928, and I was born in Langenburg, Saskatchewan, in 1935. In the 2016 Census Killaly had a population of 77, Langenburg, a population of 1,165. However, I am honoured and humbled to receive the Archbishop Exner Award for Catholic Excellence in Public Life, and to be associated with the many much more worthy former recipients, such as, Doctors Catherine Ferrier, Robert Walley, Donald DeMarco, and Dr. and Mrs. Andrew and Joan Simone, Alex Schadenberg, Gwen Landolt, Fr. Alphonse de Valk, Michael O’Brien, Suzanne LaVallee, Jim Hughes, J. Fraser Field, and the late Frank Chauvin and Frederick W. Hill.
For Annual Dinner tickets, please email or call 416-466-8244 or 1-844-722-CCRL. Tickets are $125 each for individuals. We are offering a special rate of $1000 for a table of 10. We encourage organizations, or even groups of friends to save money and help the CCRL by organizing a table. With either option an RSVP is required by calling (416) 466-8244 or 1-844-722-CCRL or by emailing

About the Archbishop Exner Award

The CCRL established the Archbishop Exner Award in 2004 to honour Archbishop Adam Exner, OMI, Archbishop Emeritus of Vancouver, upon his retirement and to recognize outstanding achievement in advocacy, education, life issues, media and culture, and philanthropy.
Previous recipients include:
Dr. Catherine Ferrier, Catholic physician, Physicians’ Alliance against Euthanasia (2018)
Dr. Robert Walley, founder of MaterCare International (2017)
Alex Schadenberg, anti-euthanasia/assisted suicide activist (2016)
Dr. Donald DeMarco, scholar, writer, seminary professor, and pro-life activist (2015)
Gwen Landolt, long time national Vice-President of REAL Women of Canada, pro- life advocate, promoter of the family in national and international circles (2014)
Fr. Alphonse de Valk, CSB, pro-life activist, writer and editor (2013)
Michael D. O’Brien, artist and author, for creative work incorporating authentic Catholicism and Catholic teaching (2012)
Michael Coren, author and broadcaster, for his outspoken defense of Catholicism in media (2011)
Suzanne LaVallee of Quebec for leadership in education (2010)
The late Frank Chauvin of Windsor, Ontario, founder of Haiti’s first orphanage for girls and initiator of an application for review of the process by which Henry Morgentaler was awarded the Order of Canada (2009)
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew and Joan Simone of Toronto, co-founders of Canadian Food for Children, for services to philanthropy and international aid (2008)
Campaign Life Coalition President Jim Hughes of Toronto for service to the pro-life movement (2007)
J. Fraser Field of Vancouver, founder of Catholic Educators’ Resource Centre, for service to education (2006)
The late Regina business leader Frederick W. Hill for philanthropy and community service (2005)

About the CCRL
Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) ( assists in creating conditions within which Catholic teachings can be better understood, cooperates with other organizations in defending civil rights in Canada, and opposes defamation and discrimination against Catholics on the basis of their beliefs. The CCRL was founded in 1985 as an independent lay organization with a large nationwide membership base. The CCRL is a Canadian non-profit organization entirely supported by the generosity of its members.
To donate to the CCRL, please click here.
For further information:
Christian Domenic Elia, PhD
CCRL Executive Director

Monday, October 21, 2019

Child in the womb cries "My Body My Choice"

Dear Premier Doug Ford ( and Attorney General Doug Downey (,

Please watch this short video where Fr. Mark Goring speaks at the midpoint rally of the 40 days for Life rally in Ottawa yesterday.

Please notice that all the pro-life people are outside the abortion bubble zone while the "pro-choice" people are inside the abortion bubble zone.

Can you please explain to me why pro-life citizens are restricted in where they pray, while "pro-choice" citizens are not restricted where they pray...sorry, I mean where they protest?

After all, pro-life citizens pay taxes too. Shouldn't we all have the same rights as "pro-choice" citizens?

I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Thank you.

Patricia Maloney 

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The dead and broken babies amongst the leaves

40 days for life continues in Ottawa today. Maureen, Barb and I joined other members of our Church, along with the Sisters of the Queenship of Mary, to pray at the abortion killing site in Ottawa.

ARPA put up their flag display at the Supreme Court of Canada, representing the 100,000 babies killed each year through abortion.

That's 100,000 human beings destroyed before birth every year.

We prayed the Rosary to our Blessed Mother to protect all pre-born children from this continued slaughter of the innocents. We also prayed the St. Michael Prayer. Seemed appropriate.

I couldn't help but notice the dead autumn leaves surrounding the little pink and blue flags. Kind of prophetic, don't you think?

Friday, October 18, 2019

Heroic Pro-Life Action

Fr. Tony was recently interviewed by Jim Havens, Director of Pro-Life and Host of Love Will End Abortion on the Station of the Cross Catholic Radio Network. The interview starts at about 31 minutes.

Fr. Tony talks about his pro-life ministry witnessing against the evil of abortion. How it started 30 years ago, why he does it, and how important prayer and witness is for this greatest evil of mankind, after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A word of advice for Catholics for the 2019 election

A word of advice from Fr. Mark Goring to Catholics.
"Dear Catholics don't be stupid. If you vote for a political leader who allows harm to be done to the most innocent person, you are complicit in the death of the innocent person. You have blood on your hands. You might spend all of eternity in Hell because you did not obey God's clear commandment--Thou shalt not kill."

Friday, September 20, 2019

Late-term stillbirth (902) and livebirth (150) abortions in 2018/2019

Live birth abortions continue to happen in Canada.

Here are the latest numbers of late term abortions in Canada from CIHI. There were 910 late-term (20 weeks and greater) stillbirths and 150 born alive abortions.

Previous years here.

20 of these born alive abortions were greater than 25 weeks gestation.
107 of these born alive abortions were between 21 – 24 weeks gestation.
23 of these born alive abortions were 20 weeks gestation.

Note: These are for hospital abortions only and do not include clinics or physician's offices. These numbers also do not include late-term abortions done in Quebec.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The scandal of raking in tax dollars (part 3)

A lot of public funding goes to progressive groups. Perhaps that is why there are so many of these organizations in the first place--they know they can, and do, receive billions in government grants.

We've already seen the $1,550,884,070 given to Canada Summer Jobs recipients and “reproductive choice” advocates. Today I look at the LGBT / pride parade lobby, the other side of this favoured coin.

Keep in mind that pro-life groups get nothing from these political handouts. Pro-life groups are self funded and totally dependent on their donors for their very existence. In fact, I wonder how many of these progressive groups would even exist if it weren't for all this government funding they receive?

You might also remember that in 2014 Ottawa's Capital Pride went bankrupt, leaving many suppliers very unhappy, and very unpaid. Fast forward to 2017 and we learn that Capital Pride is now getting money from grants each year from the federal government. And they aren't the only pride parades/festivals to receive funding. I counted 22 of them. Below are the top four recipients, Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.

CAPITAL PRIDE / FIERTÉ DANS LA CAPITALE (LA) Canada $35,300 2019-04-02
CAPITAL PRIDE / FIERTÉ DANS LA CAPITALE (LA) Canada $75,000 2019-02-08
CAPITAL PRIDE / FIERTÉ DANS LA CAPITALE (LA) Canada $22,000 2018-02-26
CAPITAL PRIDE / FIERTÉ DANS LA CAPITALE (LA) Canada $17,300 2017-02-22

Total for Capital Pride $157,194

Pride Toronto Canada $1,000,000 2019-01-28
Pride Toronto Canada $92,200 2019-04-01
Pride Toronto Canada $41,766 2018-04-30
PRIDE TORONTO Canada $250,000 2018-11-07
PRIDE TORONTO Canada $92,200 2017-11-03
PRIDE TORONTO Canada $125,700 2016-11-16

Total for Toronto Pride $1,601,866

FIERTÉ MONTRÉAL Canada $5,000 2019-07-22
FIERTÉ MONTRÉAL Canada $160,000 2019-04-01
FIERTÉ MONTRÉAL Canada $80,700 2019-04-01
FIERTÉ MONTRÉAL Canada $11,700 2019-04-01
Fierté Montréal Canada $2,471 2018-05-01
FIERTÉ MONTRÉAL Canada $92,400 2018-04-01
FIERTÉ MONTRÉAL Canada $20,000 2017-08-14
Fierté Montréal Canada $100,000 2017-07-25
FIERTÉ MONTRÉAL Canada $93,300 2017-03-23
FIERTÉ MONTRÉAL Canada $250,000 2016-10-07
FIERTÉ MONTRÉAL Canada $91,500 2016-04-08
Fierté Montréal|Fierté Montréal Canada $1,000,000 2019-05-27
Fierté Montréal|Fierté Montréal Canada $300,000 2018-07-27

Total for Montreal Pride $2,207,071

VANCOUVER PRIDE SOCIETY Canada $80,700 2019-07-14
VANCOUVER PRIDE SOCIETY Canada $1,000,000 2019-05-30
Vancouver Pride Society Canada $8,822 2019-04-23
Vancouver Pride Society Canada $6,902 2018-04-23
Vancouver Pride Society Canada $72,600 2018-02-26
Vancouver Pride Society Canada $63,900 2017-02-22
Vancouver Pride Society Canada $79,100 2016-04-29
Total for Vancouver Pride $1,312,024

Notice the trend to increase funding every year for pride parades / festivals. If Justin Trudeau wins the 2019 election I expect to see these government handouts double.

This funding also includes (in addition to my previous SJP funding here) $307,457 for the Canada Summer Jobs.

Canadian pride festivals: $6,165,266
Canadian LGBT organizations (other than pride/parades festivals): $8,374,519
Canadian LGBT research grants: $13,275,313
Foreign grants going to foreign LGBT organizations and research: $4,524,123

Add this to my previous total of $32,339,221 + $1,550,884,070 for a whopping grand total of $158,322,3291 or almost $1.6 billion to these Justin Trudeau favoured entities.

Note 1: I haven't taken into account the municipal and provincial funding for these groups. Those grant disclosures will be up next.

Note 2: No federal funds were given to Jesus festivals or to Pro-life festivals or Pro-life marches.