Thursday, February 27, 2025

Minister Kamal Khera refuses to answer questions about anti-hate network

I wrote this letter to Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities Kamal Khera about the Anti-Hate Network in December 2024.

Yesterday I received her answer. You can read it hereKamal Khera doesn't answer my questions about the anti-hate network including why our government and the anti-hate network only goes after far-right organizations and not far-left organizations.

Why is it that Liberals can never answer questions they don't like?

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Just two examples of Justin Trudeau's spending your money

1) Menstrual Equity Fund Pilot to Food Banks Canada 

Agreement Value: $27,900,000 from Women and Gender Equality Canada. Agreement Date: Sep 1, 2023 - Mar 31, 2025. 

This pilot project will test the provision of free menstrual products to community organizations serving diverse low-income populations in various locations across Canada and scale up existing education and awareness activities to increase awareness of period poverty and reduce the stigma of menstruation. 

Clearly, the Women and Gender Equality Canada department has to go. 

2) Grant for LGBTQ activists in Nairobi, KE

Agreement Value $25,000,000. The purpose of the International Development Assistance Program is supposed to be to reduce poverty. Agreement Date: Dec 10, 2024 - Mar 31, 2029

Program Purpose: The main purpose on the International Development Assistance Program is to reduce poverty for those living in countries where Global Affairs Canada engages in international development.

So why is Canada supporting and promoting LGBTQ activists in Kenya? 

Description:This project is part of Canada’s Renewed Women’s Voice and Leadership (WVL) Program, which supports women’s rights organizations (WROs), lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex plus (LBTQI+) groups and women human rights defenders (HRDs) to enhance enjoyment of human rights by women and girls in all their diversity and to advance gender equality in countries where WVL is implemented and other countries facing crisis and conflict. Project activities include: (1) Delivery of rapid response grants for HRDs and their organizations to meet their security and protection needs in times of crisis and opportunity; (2) Delivery of collective care grants to ensure the well-being of activists; and (3) Designing spaces, in concert with women, trans, and non-binary HRDs, WROs, and LBTQI+ groups that provide HRDs access to share experiences, exchange learnings on collective care, contribute to knowledge leadership and learning, networking, and convening activities to support sustainability in the face of constant, interwoven crises. (Emphasis added)

Joyce Arthur receives a $20,000 government grant

Joyce Arthur's lobbying of Government continues. Posted Feb 2, 2025 on the Lobbyist database.

And apparently she received $20,000 from The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Friday, February 21, 2025

Joyce Arthur continues to lobby government

It will be interesting to see once Pierre Poilievre becomes Prime Minister how effective her lobbying efforts will be.

(Posted on Lobbyist database between these dates: 2025-02-20, 2025-02-20)

Government institutions

  • Finance Canada (FIN)
  • Health Canada (HC)
  • ustice Canada (JC)
  • 1Prime Minister's Office (PMO)
  • Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
  • House of Commons
  • Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
  • Women and Gender Equality (WAGE)

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Two steps forward one step backwards

There were two good news stories recently about potential abortion services closing (yea):

Number 1:

One of Canada’s largest non-profit sexual health organizations is at risk of closing dozens of its clinics due to funding constraints. Options for Sexual Health operates 52 clinics across B.C. Thirty are managed by the nonprofit, while the rest operate in partnership with other organizations.

Number 2:

A national group that helps people who have trouble accessing abortion services says it may be forced to shut down in several months after Health Canada declined to renew its funding for the upcoming year. 

Abortion Care Canada [formerly National Abortion Federation Canada] says it had sought $1.3 million from the federal government’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund for the next fiscal year but will get nothing, despite having received about $2.2 million in total since the fund was established in 2021.


(This is interesting. I just tried going to Abortion Care Canada website and it looks like you have to have a user id to do so. What's up with that?)

Imagine that. Pro-abortion charities might have to  actually start fundraising instead of depending on government handouts. The horror.

But then we had this announcement from Women and Gender Equality Canada Strengthening 2SLGBTQI+ communities to advance equality in Canada (Boo)
Today, Lisa Hepfner, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth announced up to $41.5 million for 106 projects across four different 2SLGBTQI+ funds. This funding will advance equality for 2SLGBTQI+ communities across Canada and address the rise in hate.

This announcement came January 31st in the middle of Canada's tariff crisis with the US. Maybe they thought nobody would notice. And that's $41.5 million over and above the gazillions we already spend on LGBT.