
Thursday, January 2, 2025

Finance committee biased against pro-life charities

Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights said this in their submission for the PRE-BUDGET CONSULTATIONS IN ADVANCE OF THE 2025 BUDGET: 

'In Canada, anti-abortion organizations use misleading information in an attempt to dissuade people from seeking safe abortion and some politicians are promoting disinformation regarding sexuality education and gender-affirming care.' 

This misinformation and disinformation from ACSHR resulted in this recommendation from the Report of the Standing Committee on Finance:

ACSHR makes unproven and already debunked allegations about pro-life charities, and this results in the Standing Committee on Finance recommending that pro-life charities lose their charitable status. Is this for real? Did the committee verify these allegations? Did they do any checking at all on the validity of these claims? Because if they did they would have learned that any disinformation and misinformation comes from the pro-abortion side of the divide.

Unbelievably, this committee is willing to recommend that an entire sector of charities lose their charitable status, based on untruths. These falsehoods come from an organization that has received millions of dollars in government grants, all the while Pro-life charities receive no government grants.

And should a charity that receives millions, be allowed to lobby the government to remove the charitable status from another charity? Is this ethical? Or are ethics not important anymore?

Removing the charitable status from pro-life organizations, based on unproven allegations from another charity, who themselves receive millions in government funding, and who have a long history of attacking pro-life groups with the help of these government grants, should bear some pretty serious scrutiny. But no, pro-life people and charities have endured bias from the pro-abortions and this Liberal government for nine long years.

1 comment:

  1. These committee decisions start at the top with Trudeau. They take on his persona as they are stacked with like minded Liberals. With Trudeau's resignation we must pray there is a new government soon that will un do the liberal harms. Pray the rosary and better outcomes will be assured.
