
Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Ontario pays for 19 abortions in the US at $17,382/abortion

Further to my previous post on Ontario's out of country abortion numbers of 2023-2024, I now have the cost of these abortions.

Ontario sent 19 women to the United States and OHIP pre-approved these abortions to the tune of $229,995US or about $327,608.28 Canadian. That is $12,205US or about $17,381.58 Canadian per abortion.

My guess is that because of the high cost of these abortions, and the fact that they were all done in the US, is that they are most probably third trimester abortions. See this:

'third‐trimester abortions cost much more: they range in cost from a few thousand dollars to over $25,000, depending on gestation and clinical complexity.'


Don't let the pro-abortions tell you that Canada isn't committing very late term/third trimester abortions. Because they do. In this case at least, we just did it in the United States. Oh. And those 19 out of country abortions? That's only from one province. How many are being done in the rest of Canada?

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