
Friday, January 10, 2025

Thanks to Kelsi Sheren and Jordan Peterson: drowning with MAID

As I've mentioned before, Dying with Dignity has a very close relationship with the End of Life care division of Health Canada. They advise the Health Minister, and email the department regularly.

Besides Health Canada they also lobby the Justice department, and have done so since at least 2020, with a documented 115 monthly lobby reports. They lobby MPs, senators, ministers, government whips, the PMO's office, bureaucrats, basically anyone with a pulse.

So...remember when Kelsi Sheren told Jordan Peterson about the The Horrifying Truth Behind MAID They Aren't Telling You, based on testimony of Dr Joel Zivot? As in, people are drowning when they are MAIDed?

Well it seems that Helen Long of Dying with Dignity fame went a bit apoplectic when people started calling her about this (My recent ATIP for DWDC):


As I'm sure you're aware the misinformation (that hardly seems like enough of a word) about drugs used in the MAID process in Canada and the way they are experienced by patients is out of control. I'm sure you've seen the clip REDACTED and there have been numerous articles circulating. REDACTED got this request this morning indicating things are becoming more far reaching and skewed than ever. We've been getting quite a few calls and REDACTED mentioned that they are having patients express fear and concern to clinicians because of this inaccurate information. (emphasis added)

I'm wondering if Health Canada (as the regulator) is considering adding additional information regarding the drugs or some kind of fact check regarding the REDACTED comments to their website or releasing some kind of statement? Can you tell me if there have been any discussions with comms?

Happy to have a quick call if that's helpful. I can be reached at REDACTED



Helen Long (she/her)'

I hope patients are expressing fear and concern about letting the likes of the pro-deathers kill them. That is good news. Thankfully Health Canada doesn't appear to act on Helen Long's panic letter.

'Hi Helen,

Thanks for flagging. We are still having discussions regarding what we are able to address and how. Unfortunately material such as podcasts (that you forwarded earlier) and challenging to address since they are opinion pieces essentially. Also, we don't want to bring additional attention to that type of material.

Appreciate you continuing to keep me in the loop.


Here is Dr Joel Zivot's submission to the Senate on February 8, 2021. Dying with Dignity debunks Dr Zivot's testimony. Of course they do. I encourage readers to read his testimony yourselves and be your own judge as to whether or not people drown when receiving MAID.

Note: Dr. Zivot discusses the three MAID drugs that DYDC also confirms are used for MAID.

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