Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pro-abort gets tax dollars to promote reproductive justice

F.L. Jessica Ball from the University of Victoria wrote a paper with Joyce Arthur, and received $28,792 in government funding from SSHRC to do it: Abortion Attitudes and Access: Building A Canadian Framework for Reproductive Justice.

I couldn't find the report published on-line (why isn't it on-line?) but I did receive the report in an ATIP I did to SSHRC.

The pro-aborts want to progress from reproductive rights (mentioned 31 times in the report) to reproductive justice (mentioned 73 times in the report). Must be important.

A couple of key fabrications in the report.

  • The author states three times in her tax-payer funded report, that there is a Charter right to abortion. There is no Charter right to abortion in Canada.
  • The author states that Pierre Poilievre has been rated as pro-life by Arthur's ARCC. Pierre Poilievre has publicly stated he is pro-choice. Nope. Not pro-life.
  • The author references a study by Laroche and Foster on pregnancy care centres in Ontario and their 'deceptive tactics'. This study was done in 2015 but the public can't see it unless they want to pay for it. In any case, since then there have been volumes written debunking this infamous pro-abortion myth.
  • The author states "They [ARCC] is a charitable organization". No it isn't.
  • This is interesting. According to the report: "The University of British Columbia’s Contraception and Abortion Research Team (CART) was awarded $3.8 million from the Government of Canada to develop resources for underserved populations seeking abortion and to establish a national training platform for healthcare professionals, focusing on destigmatized and contextually appropriate abortion care (University of British Columbia, 2023)." But the grants and contributions database does not report this funding. Why not?
  • The author uses the phrase 'pregnant person' 15 times. Everyone knows that only women get pregnant.

I wonder if a pro-life researcher could receive $28,792 to write the report Why do the pro-aborts keep getting millions of dollars and we get zero dollars?

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