Monday, June 24, 2024

Constitutional rights for Christians

"A religiously affiliated health care facility's primary purpose is to provide health care. Religious beliefs should never interfere with a patient's health care choices; it is unconstitutional and compromises the patient's care when they are most vulnerable. We believe that a person should have access to all their end-of-life choices no matter where they access health care. Addressing this issue is long overdue, and it is incumbent on all of us to restore rights to patients, their loved ones and their clinicians." Helen Long, CEO, Dying With Dignity Canada

The pro-deathers at Dying with Dignity want their constitutional rights adhered to, yet refuse to acknowledge the constitutional rights (freedom of conscience and freedom of religion) of those who run Catholic hospitals. Talk about hypocrisy.

Participating in euthanizing another human being is against Catholic beliefs. For a Catholic doctor to euthanize a patient can put that doctor's eternal soul in grave danger. So no, Catholics do not want to kill people. The pro-deathers may not like these beliefs, but they are also guaranteed under our constitution.

If people ultimately decide to kill themselves, this is extremely tragic. But it is wrong to insist that others actively participate in that killing.

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