Saturday, August 3, 2024

CTV misleads Canadians on late-term born alive abortions

 "A popular, misleading claim about late-term abortions has made its way to the province."

This comes from the very first line of a CTV article about late-term abortions, live birth abortions in Alberta.

"That's just inflammatory propaganda that has no basis in fact," Joyce Arthur

These children are born alive after a failed abortion. Then they die. Not propaganda.

The only misleading item here is this CTV story. There's nothing misleading about these born alive abortions. They happen. Every year. In Canada. In every province. Not just Alberta.

I have done extensive research on these abortions and they are performed in all provinces. My research goes back to 2012. But the media refuses to believe it apparently.

The stats come from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI). CIHI took over the publishing of abortion stats from Statistics Canada years ago when they didn't want their name associated with underreported abortion numbers that they were forced to publish. 

These abortions happen. Former MP Maurice Vellacott contacted the RCMP years ago about them and the RCMP refused to investigate.

It's time to stop these horrific abortions. Wake up Canada.

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