
Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Ontario pays for 19 abortions in the US at $17,382/abortion

Further to my previous post on Ontario's out of country abortion numbers of 2023-2024, I now have the cost of these abortions.

Ontario sent 19 women to the United States and OHIP pre-approved these abortions to the tune of $229,995US or about $327,608.28 Canadian. That is $12,205US or about $17,381.58 Canadian per abortion.

My guess is that because of the high cost of these abortions, and the fact that they were all done in the US, is that they are most probably third trimester abortions. See this:

'third‐trimester abortions cost much more: they range in cost from a few thousand dollars to over $25,000, depending on gestation and clinical complexity.'


Don't let the pro-abortions tell you that Canada isn't committing very late term/third trimester abortions. Because they do. In this case at least, we just did it in the United States. Oh. And those 19 out of country abortions? That's only from one province. How many are being done in the rest of Canada?

Friday, December 6, 2024

Why does the government fund far-right hate and not far-left hate?

Dear Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities Kamal Khera,

Your department handed out $708,400 in 2020 and 2023 to the Anti-Hate Network. Public Safety gave them $200,000 this year.

I have a couple of questions I would like you to answer for me regarding the work that the anti-hate network is doing for this money.

1) In 2023, Statistics Canada reported a +260% increase in Catholic hate crimes in 2021. In the past couple of years there have been 112 cases of vandalization or burning of Catholic churches

Not only did your government not act or report on these hate crimes, neither did the Anti-Hate Network. Can you please explain this lack of action from the government, and from the organization that your government has given almost a million dollars to?

2) The Anti-Hate Network hasn't reported on the extreme hatred of the Oct 7 terrorist attack on Israel by the hate group Hamas?
Why not?

3) The Anti-Hate Network is part of the Antifa movement Regarding a case where the anti-hate network sued Barbara and Jon Kay:
"The judge said that the statements made had the benefit of being true, noting that, “CAHN did in fact assist Antifa and that the movement has been violent,” and it would be reasonable to state that it is not a “good look” for a human rights organization to support a violent movement. Additionally, the judge concluded the defence of fair comment could apply, meaning the opinions expressed by the Kays could be reasonably drawn from the known facts and were not expressed out of malice. The judge noted that even “Warman’s evidence was that he and CAHN were part of the Antifa movement,” and its “muscular resistance” and “physical disruption” were known to two other board members."
Why is the Canadian government funding an organization that is involved with Antifa?

4) The anti-hate network only focuses on (what they call) 'far-right', or 'ultra-right' or 'extreme-right' organizations. Why are they not also focusing on far-left hate organizations?

5) Your own anti-racism strategy only talks about far-right organizations and not far-left organizations. Why does your government not care about 'far-left', or 'ultra-left' or 'extreme-left'  hatred? 

I look forward to your answers to my questions.

Thank you.

Patricia Maloney

NOTE: I have no idea how Canadian Heritage's promotion of 'linguistic and cultural diversity', and 'arts and heritage sectors' and 'helping to share our stories and build a strong inclusive Canada' aligns with giving tax dollars to the Anti-Hate Network who aligns itself with Antifa, and doesn't care about Catholic hate crimes and burning churches.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Let's donate to pro-life groups

Imagine giving the pro-death Dying with Dignity a donation on Giving Tuesday? No I can't either. 

DWDC sent out an email looking for more money on Giving Tuesday. Today's email informed us that they actually received '$144,336, $50,000 of which will be matched, for a total of $194,336!' in donations. Who are the people that donate to this bunch anyway? It's pretty depressing I have to say.

Remember that DWDC's revenue in 2023 was $3,269,222, and they had $6,637,461 in long term investments. They put millions of donation dollars into long term investments, and then have the nerve to go out and fundraise for more donations to add to their lucrative death pot.

I think I can find an actual worthy organization or two, to give to on Giving Tuesday (or Thursday) that doesn't want to kill people as their reason for being. Today I did that.

(Note: DWDC emails are very cringe-worthy. Especially when you know their reason for being is advocating for euthanasia.)

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Breakdown of Quebec abortions by type of abortion 2023/2024

Further to 2023/2024 Quebec abortions. Below is the breakdown by abortion code. I include the English translation in bold. 

Note: the codes for abortions done > 14 weeks (6941, 6948, 6949) and > than 20 weeks (6137)

Note: Nombre d'avortement distinct (plus d'un code peut être utilisé pour un même avortement) - Number of distinct abortions (more than one code can be used for the same abortion)

06137 - Gynécologie / Utérus et col utérin / Manipulation / Avortement par dilatation et extraction à partir de 20 semaines de grossesse, incluant la dilatation du col et l'insertion de tiges laminaires (PG-28) - Uterus and cervix / Manipulation / Abortion by dilation and extraction from 20 weeks of pregnancy, including cervical dilation and insertion of laminar rods

06451 - Gynécologie / Trompes / Suture / Stérilisation, toute méthode, toute voie d'approche, unilatérale ou bilatérale, post-partum ou élective, avec ou sans curetage / avec avortement thérapeutique - Tubes / Suture / Sterilization, any method, any approach, unilateral or bilateral, postpartum or elective, with or without curettage / with therapeutic abortion

06906 - Gynécologie / Utérus et col utérin / Manipulation / Avortement incomplet / par curetage - Gynecology / Uterus and cervix / Manipulation / Incomplete abortion / curettage

06908 - Gynécologie / Utérus et col utérin / Manipulation / Avortement / par extraction menstruelle (incluant la dilatation du col, l'insertion de tiges laminaires) - Gynecology / Uterus and cervix / Manipulation / Abortion / by menstrual extraction (including cervical dilation, insertion of laminar rods)

06909 - Gynécologie / Utérus et col utérin / Manipulation / Avortement / par curetage (incluant la dilatation du col, l'insertion de tiges laminaires) (PG-28) - Gynecology / Uterus and cervix / Manipulation / Abortion / curettage (including cervical dilation, insertion of laminar rods) (PG-28)

06941 - Gynécologie / Utérus et col utérin / Manipulation / Avortement thérapeutique à partir de 14 semaines / Un temps : (incluant le bloc paracervical, la dilatation du col, l'insertion de tiges laminaires) / aspiration, curetage et évacuation du foetus (P.G. 7.7 C) (P.C. 13) - Gynecology / Uterus and cervix / Manipulation / Therapeutic abortion from 14 weeks / One-stage: (including paracervical block, cervical dilation, insertion of laminar rods) / aspiration, curettage and evacuation of the fetus

06948 - Gynécologie / Utérus et col utérin / Manipulation / Avortement à partir de 14 semaines / Deux temps : / 1er temps : induction, toutes méthodes incluant, le cas échéant, l'évacuation du foetus (P.G. 7.7 C) - Gynecology / Uterus and cervix / Manipulation / Abortion from 14 weeks / Two stages: / 1st stage: induction, all methods including, where applicable, evacuation of the fetus (P.G. 7.7 C) 

06949 - Gynécologie / Utérus et col utérin / Manipulation / Avortement de la 14e à la 19e semaine de grossesse inclusivement / 2e temps : curetage ou expulsion spontanée - Gynecology / Uterus and cervix / Manipulation / Abortion from the 14th to the 19th week of pregnancy inclusive / 2nd stage: curettage or spontaneous expulsion

Quebec abortions performed in Quebec

Certains avortements rendus le même jour peuvent être rémunérés selon 2 codes d'acte différents, expliquant que le nombre d'avortements (distinct) peut être inférieur à la somme par code d'acte. * Valeurs inférieures aux règles de diffusion de l'information et de protection des renseignements personnels. - Some abortions performed on the same day may be paid for according to 2 different procedure codes, explaining that the number of abortions (distinct) may be less than the amount per procedure code. * Values ​​lower than the rules for dissemination of information and protection of personal information.

Quebec abortions performed in other provinces