
Thursday, December 5, 2024

Let's donate to pro-life groups

Imagine giving the pro-death Dying with Dignity a donation on Giving Tuesday? No I can't either. 

DWDC sent out an email looking for more money on Giving Tuesday. Today's email informed us that they actually received '$144,336, $50,000 of which will be matched, for a total of $194,336!' in donations. Who are the people that donate to this bunch anyway? It's pretty depressing I have to say.

Remember that DWDC's revenue in 2023 was $3,269,222, and they had $6,637,461 in long term investments. They put millions of donation dollars into long term investments, and then have the nerve to go out and fundraise for more donations to add to their lucrative death pot.

I think I can find an actual worthy organization or two, to give to on Giving Tuesday (or Thursday) that doesn't want to kill people as their reason for being. Today I did that.

(Note: DWDC emails are very cringe-worthy. Especially when you know their reason for being is advocating for euthanasia.)

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