
Monday, November 25, 2024

Why aren't abortion clinics called out for misinformation?

This is a huge double standard. Pro-abortion organizations get away with misinformation by not being honest about what an abortion actually is. They are masters of double-speak.

So once again I wrote to Chrystia Freeland.


Dear Minister Freeland,

My letter below was sent to you almost two years ago. I still have not received a reply from you.

There has been a lot in the news lately about Pregnancy Care Centres and how your government wants them to explicitly say they don't offer abortions and that they spread misinformation. 

I would like to know if you will also investigate pro-choice charities and their misinformation tactics? I have given you examples in my letter below and I can assure you that you will find many more examples if you cared to look for them. 

To single out just one type of charity for this aggressive treatment based on absolutely no evidence, especially since these charities receive virtually no government funding at all, appears to be quite an obvious double standard. In fact one would think that the pro-choice charities which do receive millions and millions of dollars in grant money should be scrutinized a lot more.

Surely you see the problem here Minister?

I look forward to hearing back from you soon. 


Patricia Maloney 

Below I summarize the misinformation that I detailed in my first letter to Chrystia Freeland, a letter that she never answered. And now we learn that the pro-abortion attack dogs are wreaking their havoc on Pregnancy Care Centres because of alleged 'misinformation'. 

1) DE&E abortion. Pro-abortion description from Vancouver Island Women's ClinicThere is no actual description of the 'procedure'. The word 'procedure' is used 11 times, but what the 'procedure' is, is never explained. They use the word 'tissue' instead of fetus or preborn child or child in the wombThis is misinformation.

Here is an accurate description of a D&E abortion (ie 'procedure')'The doctor uses a speculum to open the woman's vagina, making her cervix visible. A tube is inserted into her uterus, by which all amniotic fluid is suctioned out. Using forceps, the fetus is then dismembered and extracted in pieces. After the extraction, suction and curettage ensure that the uterus is completely emptied. An ultrasound is commonly used to confirm that the abortion is complete.' (emphasis added)

2) CARE Program, BC Women's Hospital & Health Centre: Also uses the word 'procedure' and again the 'procedure' is never defined. They use the words 'contents of the uterus' instead of fetus or preborn child or child in the wombThis is misinformation.

3) Options for Sexual health: Again they use the word 'procedure' and 'contents of the uterus'. Ditto above.

Having a 'procedure' to remove 'tissue' is misinformation on a grand scale Chrystia Freeland. Please direct your witch hunt to where it rightly belongs.

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