Friday, September 6, 2024

Hiding government abortion spending

I think we can file this blog under the title misinformation. Or maybe sneaky. Or how about, we are spending your tax dollars on abortion and don't want you to find it where we publish all other government spending?

I have done a lot of research using the Grants and Contributions database for things like 'reproductive health', 'pride', 'LGBTQetc'. That's how I learn how our tax dollars are being spent on Justin Trudeau's favourite ideologies. 

Then there's this: Faculty of Medicine researchers have received $3.8 million from the Government of Canada to address barriers to abortion access for underserved populations. 

But when I went to look in the G&C database to see this funding, I couldn't find it listed. I tried numerous combinations of words, but no, the funding wouldn't show up. So I then contacted the program itself. They said:

"The research project you reference is funded by the Government of Canada’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund. You can learn more about the fund in the federal government’s news release for this fundingIf you have any questions about the Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund, we recommend contacting the Government of Canada."

So down the rabbit hole I went, emailing the Minister of Health, the Deputy Minister, and others. Finally I got a response. I received two links: Initial Funding | Renewal of Funding to the G&C database. (I didn't even know about the second one). The first one is for $3,833,486 and the second one for $1,287,991 for a total of $5,121,477.

Now please take careful note of the description of this funding in the G&C database:

"Description: To support the federal government’s commitment to maintain a strong and effective publicly funded health care system through investments in emerging and demonstrated innovations in priority areas, such as palliative and end-of-life care, home and community care, mental health care and other federal, provincial-territorial and emerging priorities."

There is nothing about addressing barriers to abortion access for underserved populations. In fact, what has palliative care and end-of-life have to do with abortion access? No wonder I couldn't find the funding. 

So what other abortion funding is Justin Trudeau hiding in the G&C database?