
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Educate your MP on abortion not being a Charter right

Theresa Winchester recently sent this letter to Justin Trudeau and to her MP.  

I will send a copy to my own MP as well. I encourage others to copy and also send to their MP, with a handwritten note on Theresa's letter. Something like this:
"I agree with the author of this letter to the PM. There is no Charter right to abortion in Canada".
Sign your letter and print your mailing address on it. You can mail your letter postage free to:

[Name of Member of Parliament]
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

November 18, 2018

To the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada:

As a former Canadian military staff officer, I write to advise you that you have been badly briefed concerning the contents of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Certainly, since you are the PM, you would not want to be misquoting a seminal Canadian document, particularly one with which your father is intrinsically linked. 

Your pre-election statements about “Charter right to an abortion” were perhaps excusable. However, since the election, you are embarrassing yourself with these repeated declarations. Please, have a look at the enclosed copy of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; a woman’s Charter “right to an abortion” is not there, it just ain’t, no matter how hard you search. Not. There. 

While you are looking closely at the Charter, you will notice a few items that are there:
  • Section 2 (a)  Freedom of conscience
  • Section 2 (b)  Freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression
The 2018 attestation signatures required to access the federal funding for summer jobs flies directly in the face of these two Fundamental Freedoms. 

After hearing you speak on this when you were attempting to defend the indefensible, I thought, “well, following this argument, when the Conservatives win the next election, he will accept if the PC party requires that those wanting federal summer jobs funding sign an attestation stating that the applicant agrees with an elected senate or some such Conservative platform item”.  

Ummmm, you understand that freedom of conscience is all encompassing, that the Charter doesn’t say “except for topics which the ruling party disagree with”? Nope.
  • Section 7 Legal Rights - Right to life
  • Section 15 (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has a right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. 
Mr. Trudeau, surely your staff advised you of the contents of Sections 7 & 15? These are fairly basic stuff as Charters of Rights and Freedoms go. So, how do you square them with sex selection and “might be handicapped” abortions done daily in Canada? Do you get around the absolute guaranteed rights by telling yourself that the pre-born are not human and not “individuals” to whom the Charter applies? Oh, and note the Charter right to protection from discrimination based on mental or physical disability -- death being the ultimate discrimination. Doh!

Hmmm, that “not a human” thing? That is exactly how the great atrocities of history have occurred, for example, in Nazi Germany and more recently in Rwanda where individuals who were Jews and Tutsis were declared to be not human, thereby justifying their killing. Do you get the connection? Those with power, control and voice need simply declare those without power, control and voice to be less than human. In all cases, scientific evidence shows these declarations contravene basic human rights. 

You declare yourself loud and often as a feminist. Just so’s ya know, real feminists truly understand how those with power, control and voice abuse those without power, control and voice. Again, do you get the connection? 

Now, with a fuller understanding of the Canadian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, your staff needs to create a working document by which you can gracefully backtrack. This will be the opportunity to make up for the great harm done to your place in history. In less than 100 years, humanity will view abortion in the same way that we now see the formerly acceptable practise of human slavery -- those with no power, control or voice versus the loud, the powerful, the controlling. Your record as a PM who wrongly defended abortion as solely about a women’s non-existent Charter right to choose will speak for itself - seriously, how embarrassing would that be??

Yours sincerely,

Theresa Winchester, OMM, CD, rmc

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Archbishop Prendergast supports Fr. Tony's Charter challenge

Fr. Tony received this beautiful note from the Most Reverend Terrence Prendergast, S.J. Archbishop of Ottawa regarding Fr. Tony's Charter challenge.
"November 12, 2018 
Dear Tony: P.C. [Pax Christi]
             Here's some financial support for your upcoming trial and legal expenses. It comes with the assurance of my prayers for the cause, and for you, as well as my fraternal support. 
Sincerely in Christ,
+ Terry S.J."
This support from the Archbishop is great news for Fr. Tony, for all pro-life people, and for freedom of expression rights. Because this law that Fr. Tony is fighting specifically targets freedom of expression rights only for pro-life people and not for pro-choice people. 

This Safe Access to Abortion Services Act is clearly discriminatory and must be thrown out.

Here is the donation link if you would like to help Fr. Tony's case.

Or send a cheque and make it out to "Vincent Dagenais Gibson, In trust” and send it to Fr. Tony's lawyer Albertos Polizogopoulos:

Vincent Dagenais Gibson LLP/s.r.l.
260, rue Dalhousie Street, Suite 400
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7E4

Just include a cover-letter, or the re: line of the cheque note that the cheque is for Fr. Tony Van Hee's case.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Constitutional challenge begun for Fr. Tony's freedom of expression rights

From Albertos Polizogopoulos, Fr. Tony's lawyer:
"We appeared in court today. It has been adjourned to January 24th and transferred to the Court of Justice (instead of the provincial offenses court) since we're doing a constitutional challenge. 
We should be able to pick up disclosure, which is the evidence the Crown has against Fr. Tony, next week."
And so it begins. Another pro-life constitutional challenge. For another pro-life person.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Safe access to abortion services is never safe for the fetus

Today Maureen and I joined Fr. Tony Van Hee witnessing outside the abortion bubble zone near the abortion site in Ottawa.

It was a very cold day with a -18 wind chill. Especially cold when you are standing there for any length of time.

Have you ever thought of the irony of this bill, the so-called "safe access to abortion services"? Imagine a person holding a sign that talks about free speech as being unsafe to anyone accessing abortion?

And what about the class of persons for whom abortion is never safe, and never can be safe: the child yet to be born? No such thing as safe access to abortion for her.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Why people silently witness at the abortion site

In Michael Gaitley's book The Second Greatest Story Ever Told, in chapter four he talks about St. Faustina. St. Faustina was a simple Catholic nun who died at 33 in 1939 right before Hitler invaded Poland.

Her Diary is am amazing story of God's Mercy.

But it was a footnote regarding St. Faustina's prediction of World War II that surprised me. I had read St. Faustina's Diary but was unaware of this fact. It is a sworn statement from Blessed Michael Sopocko regarding St. Faustina's beatification. Fr. Sopocko was St. Faustina's spiritual director.
"[Sister Faustina] also foretold the destruction that would afflict the Fatherland (Poland), that there would come most sorrowful times. She saw her fellow citizens expelled to the East and the West.
She wrote in her Diary that Jesus himself said he was about to destroy one of the most beautiful cities of our country like Sodom on account of the crimes committed there.
Having read these things in her Diary, I asked her what this prophecy meant. She answered confirming the things she wrote, and, responding to a further question of mine: On account of what sins God would inflict these punishments, she replied, "especially on account of the slaughter of infants not yet born, as the most grievous crime of all." (emphasis added)"
When I read this, all I could think of was: Fr. Tony's silent witness near the abortion facilityWhat could possibly be more important than this? 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

How the abortion bubble zone creates two classes of people

One of the inconsistencies of the Bill to Create Safe Access to Abortion Services is that if you're pro-life, you can't carry a sign inside the bubble zone. But if you're "pro-choice", you can carry a sign. See here and here.

And this week, once again, we see this discrimination in action:
"We had some protesters at the 40 Days for Life mid-point rally. They were inside the bubble zone with their usual signs. I asked the Ottawa police if they (so called pro-choicers) are allowed signs within the bubble zone and I was told that they are."
In other words, we only apply freedom of expression rights to people, if they are "pro-choice". 

Monday, November 5, 2018

Protesting public policy on public property - prohibited

Fr. Tony's lawyer Albertos Polizogopoulos has filed two letters: one to the Attorney General of Ontario, and one to the Crown regarding charges against him. Fr. Tony who was charged under the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act which prohibits freedom of expression rights for pro-life people only.

If a pro-choice person held a sign in the same place, they wouldn't be charged. Therefore this bill not only prohibits free speech, but is also discriminatory against pro-life people. 

"The Defendant intends to question the constitutional validity of the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, 2017 S.O. 2017, chapter 19 Schedule 1.
The following is the legal basis for the constitutional question:
10. Father Van Hee was protesting a political and public policy issue on public property. The Act has resulted in his freedom of expression pursuant to section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms being violated. The limits cannot be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. 
11. The Act is arbitrary and overbroad and contrary to the Charter. As such, the Act is null and void. 
12. The limits on Father Van Hee’s freedom of expression do not serve a pressing and substantial objective. The limits cannot be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. 
13. The means chosen to serve the Act’s objective are not rationally connected to the objective, are not minimally impairing and are not proportionate. 
14. The limits on Father Van Hee’s freedom of expression cannot be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society."
It's pretty pathetic how pro-life people are continually having to defend our right to freedom of expression by going to court. It's supposedly a right but it sure isn't free when you have to go to court and pay for it. Over and over again.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Educating MPs on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Letter from Theresa Winchester to her MP Neil Ellis

Just thought I'd write to you to remind you that Human Rights Day is coming up on Dec 10, same as every year for some time now. 

So why would I want to remind you of this, you ask?  Because Canada is doing an incredibly BAD job of protecting its children in spite of being a member of the United Nations.

Please confirm my belief that Canada is a nation state of the United Nations and as such, as party to Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights.   

And why would I say that?  Because the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child state a few things that somehow, the government of Canada and therefore you, do not honour or respect in Canada.  Let's just copy and paste from this very credible website: indicated in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, "the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth", the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations has proclaimed that childhood is entitled to special care and assistance, 

...the United Nations has, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenants on Human Rights, proclaimed and agreed that everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, 

Article 6
1. States Parties recognize that every child has the inherent right to life.
2. States Parties shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child.
Article 7
1. The child shall be registered immediately after birth and shall have the right from birth to a name, the right to acquire a nationality and. as far as possible, the right to know and be cared for by his or her parents.
So, you likely are a pretty smart dude, having made it to be my local MP.  Tell me how you reconcile all of these rights of the child with the approximately 100,000 yearly deaths of Canadian children by abortion.  And even more baffling, how children who survive abortion are left to die or deliberately killed after birth and no one is held accountable under the Criminal Code of Canada.  Cause I just can't get my head around that. 

There are some very very basic, easy to understand facts at play here that neither right nor honourable Justin Trudeau and the entire Liberal Party seem to be unaware of:
a.  The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees all Canadian humans a right to life;
b.  There is no right to an abortion under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.   Because JT keeps referring to it again and again, I've looked at the Charter again and again -- it just ain't there!  Or does he perhaps have an unpublished but more official version of the Charter?  That would explain it.  

Please correct me if there is something that I do not understand.  After all, you're an Member of Parliament and I am only a taxpaying retired 30 year Canadian Forces Human Resources specialist.  You likely understand these documents far better than I.  Cause to me, simple-minded as I am, it seems to me that every abortion to which there is no right in Canada or in the UN takes life which is a protect right from a child.  What am I missing here?  

Sure is baffling.  And yet it continues.  And the PM continues to say things that are not true.  And all his MPs nod in agreement on that side of the house like a bunch of Bobbleheads.  

Just saying.