
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Guess how many abortions were done in Ontario in 2014/2015?

Well we finally had our day in court. I will be writing on this more later.

But for now, I'd like to let you know how many abortions were done in Ontario in 2014/2015.

This number was released by the Ontario government via their factum today.

45,471 abortions were done in Ontario in 2014/2015

One of the government's arguments was that I can already have meaningful debate on abortion without accurate abortion numbers, and that there is other information out there on abortion (more on that later).

This is the second time the Ontario Government has given me abortion data in the past five years. And both times it was litigation that made them release it. Yet they tell us that I can ask for abortion information outside of FIPPA, and I will get it. (I will be testing this out very soon on Kathleen Wynne and Eric Hoskins. I guarantee it.)

Let me repeat that number. The number of abortions done in Ontario in one year is 45,471 abortions, based on OHIP billings.

CIHI reported 23,746 abortions in Ontario for 2014.

That's almost twice as many abortions performed in Ontario than is officially reported. No wonder the Ontario government doesn't like me going after abortion statistics. It also goes to shows how important open, transparent and accountable government is. We are paying for these abortions so it's our right to know how many there are and what we are paying for them.

Mind you that is a total number with no breakdown at all. When I was doing my FOIs to obtain abortion numbers, I was also learning all kinds of statistics that this umber doesn't tell me, like:
  • How many abortions are being done in hospitals.
  • How many abortions are being done in clinics.
  • How many abortions are being done in doctor's offices.
  • How many abortions were done before 14 weeks gestation.
  • How many abortions are being done after 14 weeks gestation.
  • How many abortions are fetal reduction abortions.
And if I had been allowed to continue to do my FOIs I'm pretty sure I would have been able to find out a whole lot more information on abortion in Ontario.

Meaningful debate can only happen with meaningful information.

The judge will rule on our case later.


  1. Many abortions in hospitals at least, all called (or used to be and may still be) therapeutic D and C. I'm sure they hide it under other terms as well...

  2. You're doing great work.... Thank you....

  3. I am confused. The number you posted is for 2014/2015. So is this the number of abortions for those two years? If so, then it is not double the number of abortions that you later post for the year 2014. One number covers one year, the other covers two years, why is the 45,000 number for a two year period?

  4. It is a government fiscal year 2014/2015 runs from April 1 2014 to March 31 2015. One year. CIHI reports by calendar year which would be Jan 1 to Jan 31. Not an exact comparison but the only one we can make, since they both report differently.

    1. thanks for the clarification, I wondered if they were using a different time frame.

  5. Another question is How many patients presented for their second or third abortion or more? The reason I ask is because abortion is trauma and a symptom of trauma is this inability to break the cycle until there is healing of that first abortion.

    1. Jeffrey, and therein lies the problem. There is no breakdown of the information. Just that one total number. I am going to do what I can to obtain that information that is missing.

  6. Excellent work, Patricia. Thank you for exposing the abortion situation in Ont.

  7. Great work, Patricia. Please keep it up.

  8. Thanks for pursing these numbers. I have no words. :(

  9. Thanks for pursing these numbers. If it is just a procedure than what's the big deal about being transparent? They know deep down that this isn't right and they hide. Sigh!

  10. Grim work, Patricia. Thanks for pursuing it. I concur with GeriDee-- why all the secrecy and subterfuge, Kathleen Wynne? It's like hip replacements, just let the taxpayers know how much we are spending for this "health care" procedure.
