
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A Christmas message for Justin Trudeau

This letter to Justin Trudeau and Chandra Arya, Patty Hajdu, Rachael Harder was forwarded to me.

December 18, 2017

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau,
Prime Minister of Canada

Dear Justin,

As Christmas approaches, we are reminded of a young woman 2000 years ago who was about to give birth to her Son. But Mary and Joseph could find no room at the Inn, and so Jesus was born in a lowly stable.

This story touches the hearts of all people of goodwill, regardless of our faith backgrounds, because we intuitively know that a woman carrying an unborn child is in a vulnerable position. A new life is about to be born into the world, and we all want to give her the comfort and support she needs to give her child the best start possible.

I was so impressed when I read an article that appeared in Convivium magazine last year about how you and Sophie were financially supporting the good work of La Maison Bleu, a maternal-child healthcare centre in Quebec. You obviously recognize the importance of supporting pregnant moms in need. Some women have no family to support them through their pregnancies, and so the centres that support women and their babies (materially, emotionally, physically, etc.) address such an important need in our society.

Besides La Maison Bleu, there are many other organizations that support pregnant women in need. They are variously described as Crisis Pregnancy Centres, Pregnancy Care Centres, Birthright, etc. They do not make abortion referrals. Rather, they support women through their pregnancies and will also support women after their abortions.

Given you obviously do support efforts to help pregnant women deliver their children safely, I don’t understand why the Liberal Government (through Minister Patty Hajdu) would disqualify pregnancy care centres (such as the two in MP Rachael Harder’s riding) from the Canada Summer Jobs Program simply because these centres don’t make abortion referrals

I fully understand that abortion-rights advocate Joyce Arthur has made numerous allegations against pregnancy centres, but such allegations are completely unfounded and have been thoroughly refuted in the document, “Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada Deceitful on Crisis Pregnancy Centres,” available at:

Many young people across various faith traditions do not support abortion. Many would want to help pregnant women in need, but would feel that they could not work at a place that supports abortion. The Liberal Government prides itself on respect for diversity.  Respecting the diversity of opinion on the abortion issue by allowing these young people to benefit from the Summer Jobs Program would show that “respect for diversity” is not just empty Liberal rhetoric, but a value that you and your Cabinet honestly support and are willing to defend.

And what about respecting the diverse views of pregnant women themselves? You cannot deny that there are at least some pregnant women in need of assistance who would want the support of people who share their values on the inherent dignity of all human life. Should we not treat these women with the same respect we treat other women and allow “pro-life” centres to receive government funding as well?

If your answer is that the Canadian Charter forbids the Government from enacting any policy that would protect pregnant women and their unborn children, I can respectfully assure you that you are mistaken. In the Supreme Court Morgentaler decision, all seven Supreme Court Justices agreed that Parliament has a state interest in the protection of the fetus. The Court struck down the specific abortion law that was on the books in 1988, not abortion laws per se and not because it found a Charter right to abortion. The Court made it clear that Parliament could enact legislation that would properly balance the interests of women and unborn children. This is, in fact, acknowledged by legal experts and pro-choice academics (see: --it is not simply “pro-life” or “anti-abortion” rhetoric.

As our Prime Minister, you have the power to ensure that vulnerable pregnant women in Canada will be given the best chance possible to bring their children safely to term. One way of doing this is by not excluding these pregnancy centres from the Canada Summer Jobs Program.

We Canadians are compassionate people. My hope is that our Government’s policies will reflect this and ensure there is always “room at the Inn” for pregnant women in need.

May the Peace and Joy of the Christmas season be with you, Justin, and Sophie, Xavier, Ella-Grace, and Hadrian; and may all that is True and Good guide you and your Ministers in 2018.

Merry Christmas!
Joyeux Noël!


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Global Affairs ATIP Part 3 - Bill Clinton - do we believe the women or not?

Global Affairs ATIP Part 2 - Canadians are safer when the world shares our abortion values

Part 3

From Bill Clinton: A Reckoning:
"The most remarkable thing about the current tide of sexual assault and harassment accusations is not their number. If every woman in America started talking about the things that happen during the course of an ordinary female life, it would never end. Nor is it the power of the men involved: History instructs us that for countless men, the ability to possess women sexually is not a spoil of power; it’s the point of power. What’s remarkable is that these women are being believed." (emphasis added)
So. Do we believe the women when they tell us that they were raped, sexually assaulted, etc. by Bill Clinton? If we do believe them, why is Canada doing business with the Clinton Health Access Initiative whose founder is President William J. Clinton. You do remember Bill?
"Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States (1993–2001), has been publicly accused of sexual misconduct by three women: Juanita Broaddrick accuses Clinton of raping her in 1978; Kathleen Willey accuses Clinton of groping her without consent in 1993; and Paula Jones accuses Clinton of exposing himself to her in 1991 and sexually harassing her. The Jones allegations became public in 1994, while Willey's and Broaddrick's became public during the 1998-99 time period, toward the end of Clinton's second term as president."
From Juanita Broaddrick's profile on her twitter account:
"Author, "You'd Better Put Some Ice On That" a rape survivor of Bill Clinton, retired RN, business owner mother, grandmother and tennis player. No More Silence replied."

"In 1999, Juanita Broaddrick burst into the public consciousness when she accused President Bill Clinton on national television of raping her in 1978 as he ran for governor in Arkansas. It was a TV appearance she dreaded and never wanted, but felt compelled to squash the rumors: it was rape. 
Now, with award-winning former investigative journalist Nick Lulli, she tells her story of survival; from the assault at the hands of the future president, to the veiled threats by a seemingly complicit presidential wannabe Hillary Rodham Clinton; Broaddrick believes now is the time to set the record straight and ensure victims everywhere are believed."
Kathleen Willey, like Broaddrick, has also written a book. It is about both Clintons, and how they nearly destroyed her:
"Kathleen Willey's explosive new book details how her life was changed - and nearly destroyed - by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Target contains never-before-released details of the intimidation campaign launched to silence way or the other. It provides new insight not just into the death of Kathleen's husband - on the same day that Bill Clinton assaulted Kathleen in the Oval Office - but into Bill's sexual addiction and Hillary's compulsive enabling, a dangerous combination with power. The Clintons' terror and harassment continue. Over 2007 Labor Day weekend, Kathleen's home was burglarized. Instead of taking jewelry or computers, the thief took the manuscript for Target, with its explosive revelations that could damage Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. It was a break-in all too reminiscent of an earlier incident in which Kathleen was threatened by a stranger just two days before she was to testify against President Clinton in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case. It's deju vu all over again - and a timely reminder of how cunning and ruthless the Clintons' desire for power remains."

Then there's Paula Jones who sued Clinton for sexual harassment and settled out of court for $850,000.

Then there's Leslie Millwee. What Clinton allegedly did to Millwee is too disgusting to repeat here.

There are others of course.

So I ask again. If we believe these women, why is Canada funding the Clinton organization?

Monday, December 11, 2017

Global Affairs ATIP Part 2 - Canadians are safer when the world shares our abortion values

Part 1 on my ATIP to Global Affairs Canada regarding $650M funding for reproductive rights: A women has economic power when she chooses abortion

Part 2

This may surprise you. But did you know that Canadians are safer when the world shares our abortion "values"? That these abortion values form the "core of our foreign policy"? That these abortion values are a "basic justice and also basic economics"?

I did not make this up.

Here is what Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland said when introducing Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy:
"It is worth reminding ourselves why we step up—why we devote time and resources to foreign policy, trade, defence and development: Canadians are safer and more prosperous when more of the world shares our values. 
Those values include feminism and the promotion of the rights of women and girls.
It is important—and historic—that we have a prime minister and a government proud to proclaim themselves as feminists. Women’s rights are human rights. This includes sexual and reproductive rights—and the right to access safe and legal abortions. These rights are at the core of our foreign policy. 
I am delighted my colleague the Minister of International Development and La Francophonie is launching Canada’s first Feminist International Assistance Policy, which targets gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. We are positioning Canada at the forefront of this global effort. This is a matter of basic justice and also basic economics. We know that empowering women, overseas and here at home, makes families and countries more prosperous. 
Now is the time to rise to the great challenges of this century. As I said in the government’s foreign policy statement, our job today is to preserve the achievements of previous generations, and to build on them, as we are doing through Canada’s first Feminist International Assistance Policy."" (emphasis added)
The Honourable Chrystia Freeland
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Global Affairs ATIP Part 3 - Bill Clinton - do we believe the women or not?

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Global Affairs ATIP Part 1 - A women has economic power when she chooses abortion

Part 1

I've been working on an ATIP I did to Global Affairs Canada regarding the $650 million dollars to fund Canada's vision for reproductive rights in Africa, when I came across this nonsensical tweet by Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau.

The Liberals really are scary. Do they really believe this stuff they come up with?

First of all Canada doesn't "firmly believe" this nonsense--Liberals "firmly believe" it. Many Canadians, myself included, do not.

Second, there is no such thing as a fundamental right to choose. This "right" is a made up right.

Third, does anyone believe--besides Liberals--that "economic empowerment" is the same as the mythical pro-abortion construct known as a "fundamental right to choose"? Even if the right did exist, the statement still doesn't make sense.

Here is Minister Bibeau's full quote on the government's website:
“Canada firmly believes that a woman’s fundamental right to economic empowerment cannot be distinguished from her fundamental right to choose. When sexual and reproductive health and rights are respected, other rights become more accessible. With its Feminist International Assistance Policy and partners like UNFPA, Canada is committed to a comprehensive approach to the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls globally.”
- Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie
I'll write more later on what I learned from the ATIP.

Part 2 here

Monday, December 4, 2017

Catholic universities don't need to defend illegal abortions

My letter in the National Post last Friday:

Science Minister Kirsty Duncan thinks the Tories should comment on the cancelling of the pro-abortion film Vessels at St. Paul’s University for free speech reasons.

First of all, this movie is about a doctor who takes her abortion trade to the open seas. Why? So she can provide abortions to women on a ship in offshore waters. Why? So she can bypass the country’s abortion laws and provide the abortion pill RU486 to women. This doctor is engaging in illegal activities to bypass the laws of sovereign countries.

Second, St. Paul’s University is a Catholic institution. Catholic institutions don’t condone abortion because Catholicism believes that abortion is an immoral act and is harmful to the woman and her family.

Duncan’s press secretary stated: “In a free society, we may disagree with a person’s views, but we must defence (sic) their right to hold them — unless those views promote hate.”

What about when those views promote illegal activities? Should we defend those views as well? I hope not. 

Patricia Maloney, Ottawa