
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

CBC - big abortion's mouthpiece - Part 1

I complained (again) to the CBC Ombudsman that their coverage of the abortion drug RU-486 was biased. After waiting three months for a response; after three follow up emails; after a telephone call; I finally received a response this week.

Here is the result of that complaint to the CBC Ombudsman Esther Enkin:

As expected, the decision was that the CBC is not biased.

(NOTE: the CBC Ombudsman's role is supposed to be independent ("The ombudsman acts as an appeal authority for complaints about journalistic standards and is independent of CBC program staff and management.) But the position is as a CBC employee, who also happens to be a career CBC employee. Why isn't this role given to someone who is at arm's length from outside of the CBC?)

Let's discuss the Ombudsman's conclusions.

"The Managing Editor for CBC News Network, Jennifer Harwood, replied to your complaint. She stated that the interview was not a debate about the safety of the drug. Rather it was about the issue of accessibility. She said that in “that context, it is my view that the coverage was fair and balanced.”"
Jennifer Harwood said the interview was not about the safety of the drug, but accessibility. My point was that it is precisely because the safety of the drug is dangerous, is exactly why accessibility should be more difficult. This point is ignored by the Ombudsman. And since there are issues about the drug's safety, which was the whole basis of my complaint--that is why doctor's must dispense it and not pharmacists. I contend that this is the exact reason the US insists that doctors dispense it and not pharmacies. So my whole point is ignored, so how can the coverage be fair and balanced?

Ombudsman: Regarding Dr. Norman's "strange and bizarre" comment that I took issue with:
You’ve used a couple of interesting words – you called this very unusual regime around this, you said “have bizarrely put in place”. Why do you think they’ve put this extra layer or these extra additional requirements around this particular drug?
Dr. Wendy Norman 
"Well, this is a gray question, Heather, and I think it is a little bit inexplicable, a little bit hard to explain. In Canada, for many years, the safety mechanisms for drugs have required pharmacists to dispense them and even some of our most concerning drugs, for example, methadone, pharmacists are able to dispense this drug, so for all of a sudden out of the blue to have a normal woman’s health medication such as Mifepristone, the RU-486, requiring this very unusual mechanism, is strange."
"all of a sudden, out of the blue"? I don't think so. After much evidence that the drug is dangerous, this was decided by Canada, and the US did the same. And RU-486 isn't really like Methadone though is it? I contend that allowing doctors only to dispense RU-486 is not "bizarre and strange" at all. If a first world country (like the US) that is ten times the size of Canada does it this way (for safety reasons), that is something to heed, and Canada followed suit. Sounds prudent to me and not "bizarre and strange". 

"The host of CBC News Morning Live introduced the interview with Wendy Norman in this way:
Canadian doctors say Health Canada’s strict guidelines will limit access to the abortion drug RU-486... "The host says that Canadian doctors say..." 
This statement implies that "[ALL] Canadian doctors say..". Bias again. Not all doctors say this, only some doctors. More precisely, some abortion doctors. Did the the interviewer try and find any doctors who disagreed with this statement? Apparently not. 

Dr. Norman calls Mifepristone a "Normal woman’s health medication". I fail to see what is normal about a drug that has killed women, causes excessive hemorrhaging, and the multitude of serious side effects "normal". Again, my whole point is about the danger of the drug, a point the Ombudsman has neglected to address. In fact these side effects are mentioned in only two of the CBC writings on the subject. There truly is nothing "normal" about RU-486. This is why Health Canada felt it important to have doctor's dispense it, just like it is done in the US (my US point was also not addressed by the Ombudsman).

"On issues of controversy, we ensure that divergent views are reflected respectfully, taking into account their relevance to the debate and how widely held these views are. We also ensure that they are represented over a reasonable period of time."
So the CBC represents a "widely held views...over a reasonable period of time"? I beg to differ. I googled "RU486 and CBC" and "abortion pill and CBC".

Below are all the links that came up. I found 20 CBC links related to RU-486 (there could be more). The first four might be said to be somewhat neutral, so let's ignore those articles. 

The remainder 16 CBC articles on RU-486 all quote only pro-abortion advocates, and no alternate pro-life viewpoints, with Dr. Wendy Norman a seemingly favourite of CBC journalists. Dr. Norman is quoted six times. 

The CBC gets millions and millions of dollars a year from the taxpayer. It should be impartial on such controversial subjects like abortion. But is the CBC biased for abortion or not? You be the judge.

Part 2 here


3) Vicky Sapporta (National Abortion Federation) and Mary Ellen Douglas (Campaign Life Coalition)

4) Dr. Laura Lewis (Ontario family physician and a Canadian Physicians for Life board member)
5) Joan Dawkins (executive director of Women's Health Clinic)

6) Dr. Wendy Norman and Dr. Ellen Wiebe (abortion doctors)

7) Dr. Kelly Monaghan (of abortion Clinic 215 in St. John)

8) Dr. Wendy Norman (abortion doctor)

9) NDP MLA Nahanni Fontaine (NDP is officially pro-choice)

10) Leigh Anne Caron, (team manager of health services at Women's Health Clinic in Winnipeg)

11) Dr. Wendy Norman (abortion doctor)

12) Dr. Wendy Norman (abortion doctor)

13) Lyndsey Butcher (executive director at Planned Parenthood Waterloo Region)

14) Dr. Wendy Norman (abortion doctor) and Judith Soon (assistant professor in the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences at the University of British Columbia)

15) Vicki Saporta (president and CEO of the National Abortion Federation and its Canadian offshoot, NAF Canada), Dr. Erika Feuerstein, family physician at Women's College Hospital and Bay Centre for Birth Control in Toronto and Rebecca Cook, a law professor in the International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Program at the University of Toronto

17) Dr. Wendy Norman (abortion doctor)

Monday, November 28, 2016

Some MPPs still have principles

I am happy to see that MPP Monte McNaughton is still speaking out against Kathleen Wynne's radical sex-ed curriculum. Nice to know that McNaughton still stands behind his principles on the subject.

Unlike Patrick Brown, he of throwing-us-under-the bus fame.

November 28, 2016


Did you catch Christina Blizzard's article in the Toronto Sun this weekend? Her article, entitled Parents Opting for Private Schools over sex-ed curriculum, revealed just the latest chapter in Kathleen Wynne’s ongoing sex-education controversy:

127 new private schools have opened in Ontario since 2015.  

127 new schools for parents who believe that the public system cannot give their children the education they wish their children to receive. How do I know that the spike in enrollments is related to the sex-ed issue? Well, because parents all over Ontario have been telling me this for the past year, and I have been listening.

This afternoon at Queen’s Park, I asked Education Minister Mitzie Hunter to release the full statistics on how many students have left the public school system for the private system, the total enrollment in those private schools, as well as the total number of private schools operating in Ontario annually since 2006.

The people of Ontario deserve to know just how much Premier Kathleen Wynne has fractured the public education system with the reckless way her new sex-education curriculum was developed and implemented.
Thank you for your continued support on this important issue.

Yours sincerely,
Monte McNaughton, MPP

PS: If you haven't seen it yet, have a look at this article from last month in which I reiterated my position on the sex-education curriculum. I continue to believe that parents will be heard on this important issue.

Justin Trudeau - Human rights are for all humans

Justin Trudeau:
“As people know … I never shy away from bringing up human rights wherever I go, I highlight our values and the challenges we face  and underline the importance of respecting human rights wherever I am, including in Cuba last week."
Without getting into the Prime Minister's stupid comments regarding the death of Fidel Castro, Justin Trudeau clearly does not respect Canadian human rights: Justin Trudeau does not respect the human rights of pre-born children; Justin Trudeau does not respect the human rights of pro-life Canadian citizens who also want to be in the Liberal party but are forbidden to become MPs because of those beliefs.

That's a large segment of Canadian society whose human rights Justin Trudeau does not respect, myself included.

Not respecting the human rights of human beings, but believing that you do, is the worst kind of discrimination. It's also arrogant and hypocritical.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Pro-life man is called to do God's will

A lovely testament to Life. This man, Paul Caron, witnesses daily at the Morgentaler abortion clinic in Ottawa.

His sign reads "Why must the child die?

Thanks to Donald Andre Bruneau--who is also a staunch witness to life--for the video.

Dear pro-abortions: you can't handle the truth

Anonymous blogger "Fern Hill" doesn't like what Priests for Life US did when Fr. Frank Pavone put an aborted child on the altar.

She goes on to say that we Canadians are paying for this, that we paid these "offensive nutbars" tax dollars.
"Why am I going on about this? Because you, dear readers, and I have given these offensive nutbars more than $75K over the last five years."
Not so "Fern Hill".

What "Fern Hill" doesn't seem to comprehend, is that these are two entirely two different organizations. So I posted comments on her blog to educate her:

Patricia Maloney said...
Hey Fern Hill you realize that Priests for Life headed up by Fr. Frank Pavone is American and has nothing do do with Priests for Life Canada eh?
fern hill said...
Nothing to do with Canadian branch? Then, why does one get to the Canadian website from a link called "International" on the US site?
Patricia Maloney said...
Check your facts Fern Hill:

In recent days, social media has been abuzz regarding a video posted by Fr. Frank Pavone, head of Priests for Life (U.S.A.), in which the body of an aborted child was openly displayed on an altar. Many were rightly disturbed, shocked and horrified by such an action. While Priests for Life Canada would certainly concur
with the need for the public to be aware of the stark reality of abortion, we are deeply disturbed by such actions...In closing, we would like to make it clear that Priests for Life Canada is completely independent of Priests for Life (U.S.A.), and although we, along with many other pro-life organizations, do share common goals and objectives, we cannot concur with all of their actions and the recent actions of Fr. Pavone are not supported by Priests for Life Canada. Priests for Life Canada shares the same concerns as recently issued by Fr. Pavone’s Ordinary, Bishop Patrick Zurek of the Diocese of Amarillo:
“Priests for Life Inc. is not a Catholic institution, but a civil organization and is not under the control or supervision of the Diocese of Amarillo. The Diocese of Amarillo deeply regrets the offense and outrage caused by the video for the faithful and the
community at large. The action and presentation of Father Pavone in this video is not consistent with the beliefs of the Catholic Church."
Priests for Life Canada supports the investigation around the release of this video that is now being undertaken by the Diocese of Amarillo. We continue to pray for all of the good work done by Priests for Life (U.S.A.)
Fr Thomas Lynch
President Priests for Life Canada
fern hill said...
Link to furious back-pedalling. Completely separate but sharing a website. Hokay.

In any case, these fetus freaks are getting Canadian taxpayers' money to further stigmatize abortion and shame women who access a legal, common, and moral medical procedure.

That is insupportable. 

So what happened next? Well I posted another comment to "Fern Hill"'s blog, a comment she did not post:
"Priests for life US and Canada do not share a website. The US website links to the Canadian website. That's like saying my blog shares your website because I have linked to your website. I don't think so. 
Abortion may be legal and it may be common but killing an unborn child is not moral."
I guess my comment was too close to the truth.

A Timeline of Pro-Life History

Suzanne Fortin does a very comprehensive chronology of abortion on her blog.

She calls it A Timeline of Pro-Life History.

Good job Suzanne.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

How do pro-choice people actually see the unborn child?

The only TV I watch anymore is Netflix. And in particular, I watch crime dramas, especially British ones. Currently I am watching Dicte from Denmark.

Dicte is a crime reporter. The show is excellent, although the third season has a bit too much personal angst in it for my liking, and not enough crime drama. Anyway...

(Spoiler alert)

The other night we watched episode six of the third season. In it Dicte's daughter Rose discovers she is pregnant. Rose has a conversation with her mother and tells her that she will have an abortion She thinks she is four weeks pregnant. But she has misgivings and says to her mother:
"I can't help wondering if I'm carrying a great person."
Dicte responds:
"Yes but you know what? Don't think of it as a person right now. But rather as a little frog."
Obviously I have a problem with that frog comment. It is a pro-abortion thing to say about a young fetus. But typical of some who deny the humanity of the unborn.

Anyway, when Rose goes for an ultrasound, she finds out that she is in fact 18 weeks pregnant. Anne (midwife and friend to Dicte and Rose) does the ultrasound. 

Ann explains (that in Denmark) you can't have an abortion after 12 weeks, unless the mother or her baby (and notice Anne does call the fetus a "baby") has a condition of some sort. 

So Rose has to keep her baby because it is now too late to abort. Anne says that it is "fantastic". A subsequent scene has Rose telling her parents that she is 4 and 1/2 months pregnant; she shows them the ultrasound pics; and everyone is joyous. 

From wanting to abort, to being happy about the baby. Because the unborn child had reached the point of looking like a baby and not a "frog"?

This surprised me, since pro-life people already believe the unborn child is a human being at conception. But in this case when the child was only four weeks along, abortion is fine. Rose is willing and wants to have an abortion. But as soon as she (and everyone else) realizes that legally she can't have the abortion anymore, every one's attitude changes to happiness--they see the humanity of the child in her pictures (and remember before this it was like a frog). Is it the fact that the child looks human, that everyone accepts the child, or is it because Rose can no longer abort her child because it's too late, and that choice is gone? 

Regardless, what if Canada did the same thing? What if Parliament decided that abortion would be illegal after 12 weeks? If a socialist country like Denmark can have a restrictions on abortion, why can't we?

Monday, November 21, 2016

Why Andre Marin lost Ottawa-Vanier

Andre Marin thought he was going to win in Ottawa-Vanier.

He thinks that we social conservatives need to be "put in our place" because we are a "threat to the party".

It's kind of funny when a politician hasn't got a clue:
"Speaking after the loss, Marin was blunt in his outlook for the party. He declared that social conservatives need to be put “in their place” by PC leader Patrick Brown, as they constitute “a threat to the party.” 
“If they start calling some of the shots, I think you’ll see a very fast erosion in the popularity of the Progressive Conservative party,” Marin said. 
The comments carry particular weight given the other by election that took place on Thursday in Niagara-West Glanbrook. That’s where 19-year-old university student Sam Oosterhoff swiped the nomination from PC party president Rick Dykstra. Oosterhoff, who won the by election easily in the safe PC riding, is an avowedly pro-life candidate backed by the anti-sex-ed movement."
Marin actually said in his campaign literature that:
“We are a progressive, inclusive community."
So the PC party is inclusive--as long as you don't include social conservatives.

I guess that's "progressive" logic.
Dear Andre Marin, 
Patrick Brown is in power because those put-them-in-their-place social conservatives got him there in the first place. He wouldn't be there if we hadn't. His actions after being elected, by turning his back on us is what gave rise to the Stop the New Sex-ed Party. You've got it wrong. the PC party is an exclusive party not an inclusive party.  
Think about it. If Patrick Brown had not jettisoned his principles after being elected, all those volunteers working tirelessly for Elizabeth de Viel Castel, myself included, could have been working for you. And maybe you'd be our MPP now in Ottawa-Vanier. And not a Liberal.
Maybe you and the PC party of Ontario need to do some hard soul searching. This defeat is not because of social conservatives. It's because of Patrick Brown. 
etc. etc

Saturday, November 19, 2016

When children are jealous

This is disgusting.

Johnathon Van Maren details some of the hateful abuse spoken (on social media of course) about 19 year old Sam Oosterhoff's recent win in Niagara West-Glanbrook.

From Johnathon's column:

"Here’s just a few of the comments, out of hundreds, that I could actually post:
This is why I am pro-bullying. Weiners like this would never have the confidence to express their views if we shattered their spirit early on.
That comment was liked 311 times.
Don’t even have to click the article to know he’s likely a bible thumping conservative. The world doesn’t need any more of those.
This is one of the typical ones, but without the routine f-bombs and death wishes for social conservatives. Diversity and inclusion have their limits, folks.
Just look at him and try to resist the urge to punch his face … Hes just got one of those faces. I dont know him, i dont know anything about him, but i know his face makes me want to punch it.
Right. So respond with violence to those you disagree with.
I don’t say this often, but that is an infinitely punchable face.
Violence again.
Who the f**** voted for this turd? Pro life ??? Im pro him getting hit by a greyhound
Oh, here’s the death wish. Less profanity than most of them.
His face just looks so punchable
This, again, is one of the dozens of comments saying the same thing, but without the accompanying curses."
Oosterhoff deserves our praise for running a politically astute campaigning, and winning. The morons who spouted this hate speech are probably just jealous of Oosterhoff. That he did what they are probably incapable of doing. Winning a seat in Parliament.

Eat your hearts out children.

Unborn babies win, Planned Parenthood loses

Planned Parenthood donated $38 million to Hillary Clinton's campaign. This is great news. Clinton lost. And unborn babies won. And that's $38,000,000 less money that Planned Parenthood now has.

Just goes to show you how lucrative abortion is, if Planned Parenhood can throw away $38,000,000 to support Hillary Clinton's (thankfully) failed bid for the presidency.

A lot of unborn children died to pay for those contributions.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Kathleen and Patrick - we're watching you

Elizabeth de Viel Castel from the Stop the New Sex Ed Agenda party did pretty well yesterday in the election in Ottawa-Vanier, considering. With 399 votes her party had the most votes of the seven non-mainstream parties.

And now a word (or two) from our sponsor.

Dear Kathleen Wynne,

I heard the word "values" associated with Nathalie Des Rosier's win. Would those be the Liberal values of hiding the cost and the numbers of abortions performed in Ontario? And what about the Liberal values of the most expensive hydro rates in North America? Are you talking about those values Kathleen? Funny that. I can't find either of those anywhere in my values.

etc. etc.

Dear Patrick Brown,

You lost the riding. Remember this one the next time you dump your supporters. You should have heeded the wise words of Brian Mulroney:
‘you dance with the one that brought you’. 
It's coming back to bite you Patrick.

etc. etc.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Ottawa-Vanier - today you can send a strong message to Patrick Brown

After being pulled down twice, Elizabeth De Viel Castel's sign for the Stop the New Sex-ed party has been reinstalled at Annunciation of the Lord Parish in Ottawa.

Today is the vote.

Let's send Patrick Brown a strong message after he turned his back on us.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Immature people remove election signs - twice

I have been volunteering for Elizabeth de Viel Castel's campaign the past two weeks for the Stop the new Sex Ed Agenda party.

I put her election sign up on public property on Saturday. Monday morning the sign went missing. Monday afternoon I installed a new sign. This morning the sign was again missing.

The sign is situated right next to a Liberal sign and an NDP sign.

Who removed the signs? I don't know.

You know, this is not how democracy is supposed to work. If you, whoever you are, don't like what we stand for then don't vote for the party. Even better, run yourself. But to steal an election sign during an election is simply wrong, and frankly childish, although I'm pretty sure a child didn't do this.

This is the sign as it was on Sunday.

This is the missing sign Monday.

This is the sign re-installed Monday.

And today the sign is gone again.

Discrimination and hypocrisy

"Randy Boissonnault will work with advocacy groups to promote equality for lesbians, gays, bisexual, transgender, queer and two-spirited people — a term used broadly to describe indigenous people who identify as LGBTQ."
Boissonnault said:
“We all have a duty to act against discrimination and address injustices of the past.”
Isn't this rather hypocritical of Mr. Trudeau? He himself has discriminated against pro-life people becoming members of the Liberal Party. And when MPs even attempt to discuss abortion in any way on Parliament Hill whether by a motion, or private member's bill, Liberal MPs are whipped into voting against the bill or motion.

In fact pro-life people face discrimination every day. On University campuses, pro-life clubs are ridiculed, and shouted down while security people watch and do nothing. They have their club status revoked all the time. Our media, especially our publicly funded CBC, are pretty much all anti-pro-life.

In fact how many of us are even afraid to bring up the subject of abortion with friends, or at work? We risk being shunned and ridiculed so it's just safer to say nothing. Being against abortion is never brought up in polite conversation.

And who is discriminated against the most? Well the unborn child is. No rights for her at all.

Discrimination is a nasty thing Mr. Trudeau. In all of its ugly forms.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Hillary never got the memo

People are crying all over the place because Donald Trump is now president of the United Sates. This is not a joke. Just google "people crying that trump won" and you'll see for yourself.

Christie Blatchford has great peice on this mass hysteria in the National Post today:
"The story told the woeful tale of a privileged white woman (dutifully, she self-identified) and her husband who on the morning after, determined they had best raise the difficult subject before their son went off to school for the day. 
The poor wee devil (too young to declare his own privilege, his mommy did it for him by noting that he was at the time “on the sofa, naked and wrapped in a sheepskin,” as the offspring of a certain type of privileged whites regularly are) was then subjected to an angsty discussion while, en famille, they watched Trump’s victory speech. 
Daddy kicked it all off by saying, “A bad and crazy man has been elected the leader of the free world,” whereupon the wee boy asked, “If he’s a bad man, why is he saying nice things?” and Mommy replied, “Because he’s a very happy bad man.” 
The little bugger is four years old. Are you freaking kidding me? How better to raise a delicate cabbage than worry a toddler with such horse manure?"
Sounds like child abuse to me.

Pop quiz. So why did this happen? Because Hillary Clinton is too pro-abortion. And she ignored the Catholics. And the Evangelicals. Who are pro-life. And Clinton ignored us all. And look what happened. Looks like the "deplorables" won.

Donald Trump's message to Catholics BEFORE the election.

Here. Have another kleenex.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Stop the New Sex-Ed Agenda

Dear Kathleen Wynne and Patrick Brown,

The sign below says it all.

Are you listening yet?

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Donald Trump: Close. Those. Doors. Please.

You know I must say I am rather gleeful about Planned Parenthood's CEO Cecile Richards' reaction to Donald Trump's win and Hillary Clinton's defeat.
"Let’s get all these words out of the way: Devastated. Angry. Heartbroken. Outraged. Shocked. Sad. Disgusted. Ashamed. Discouraged. Exhausted. Shattered. 
And now four more words — the most important ones: 
These. Doors. Stay. Open. 
I know that you and I can’t possibly have enough words to describe our feelings about what happened in this election and what lies ahead. 
If you want to stay in bed or hide from the world, I can’t blame you. But I hope you won’t. Instead, I hope you’ll join me in focusing on those important four words: 
These. Doors. Stay. Open. 
It’s up to us to keep fighting to protect Planned Parenthood health centers, so they can continue to serve the people who rely on the. 
It’s up to us to make sure that Planned Parenthood health centers will be there wherever and whenever they are needed, no matter what. 
Their doors will stay open because our voices get louder. Our determination grows stronger. And our commitment to protecting the rights and health care of millions of people is unwavering. 
We will continue to stand and fight. And we’re not alone. Most people believe in access to health care, reproductive services, and abortion. We have seen what our opposition is capable of and the consequences are inconceivable. You, me, and the rest of the Planned Parenthood family must — will — stop them. That’s what we do."
Then there was Hillary Clinton (Planned Parenthood's biggest fan) who said about Trump supporters:
“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables.’ Right?…. The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it.”
Hillary did you really say that? Ouch.

Well no matter now and Hillary Clinton. The "deplorables" have spoken.

Babies will be saved.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A message for Kathleen Wynne and Patrick Brown

In Fr. Dennis's homily at Mass today he told us the three things he always prays for when there is an election:

1) For the protection of life from the moment of conception until natural death
2) For traditional marriage and the family
3) For religious freedom

Good advice that I will remember. Especially timely, with our upcoming by-election in Ottawa-Vanier where  Elizabeth de Viel Castel is running for the new STOP THE NEW SEX ED AGENDA party.

Are you listening Kathleen Wynne and Patrick Brown? We're talking to you.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Ottawa-Vanier - send a message to Patrick Brown

We social conservatives are a naive bunch.

First there was Stephen Harper. We thought he was pro-life. So we voted for him. Then he became leader of the party and he did nothing. And we said, well wait until he gets elected as prime minister. And he did with a minority government and he did nothing. And we said, well wait until he gets a majority. Then he got a second larger minority government and he did nothing. Then we said, well let's wait until he gets a majority. And he did. And he did nothing.


Next we had Patrick Brown who we thought was a social conservative. So we voted for him. He was against the sex education curriculum and abortion. Then he got elected. And now he's "changed his mind".


Notice the pattern here? Politicians who get elected because they court social conservatives, and we vote for them. Then once they get elected they turn their backs on us. I guess they think we are really stupid and that well, "hey if they don't vote for me who else will they vote for, the Liberals haha?" So we don't know what to do and we vote for them.


Well not this time.

In Ottawa Vanier we will be voting for a new MPP after Madeleine Meilleur decided to leave. I was going to vote for Andre Marin. In fact I have his sign in front of my house. After all, who else could I vote for--the Liberal candidate and get another Madeleine Meilleur who had no idea why her government decided to hide abortion information and probably still doesn't? I don't think so.

So I decided to vote for Elizabeth de Viel Castel, an actual social conservative who is against Kathleen Wynne's sex ed curriculum and abortion.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Let's not get fooled again.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Dear Blessed Mother Mary please pray for Canada

My sister Maureen put together this amazing site on the Marian Congress Ottawa 1947.

There were 200,000 attendees in Ottawa for the congress. An amazing number of people considering that Ottawa itself only had a population of 200,000. I wonder if there were a Congress held today if numbers of 100% of Ottawa's population (almost a million people) would attend a similar congress?

Devotion to Our Lady is even more important today than it ever was. Canada really needs her intervention for abortion and assisted suicide.

From newspaper articles on Maureen's site:
"...In his closing remarks the Pontiff said. “Take courage and know that the Immaculate Mother of God had appealed to her Divine Son so that the repentance of the world will bring redemption"
“...Let the sin laden soul take courage and know that a mother’s heart filled with mercy is pleading with her divine Son for the needed grace of repentance and forgiveness. Let growing youth of both sexes know that loving mother’s eyes are always on them.
No path of circumstances is hidden from her anxious care. Go forward, then with determination, o dear young men and young women, vindicate the glory of your Immaculate Mother. In the face of a vicious world prove that young hearts can still be chaste. And oh, how much depends on the genuine active Catholicity of the home!”
...The Message of the Marian Congress: Intercession with the Mother of God to obtain from her Divine Son, a lasting world peace was the keynote of all the addresses delivered by world known prelates during the Congress.  
In his sermon, a high point of the congress, Archbishop John D’Alton, of Armagh, Irish Primate, said that in this age “of moral anarchy” the world had great need of Mary’s example. She was the ideal mother in the Ideal home.
Today, he said “the home has been invaded by the modern spirit of restlessness and indiscipline which helps to weaken parental authority. ”Then there were the self-styled progressive thinkers who were continually deriding the Catholic ideal of marriage as out of harmony with the trend of modern civilization and who clamored for companionate marriages, easier divorces and birth control...."

Mother Mary pray for us.